
Becerra Struggles to Defend Clinton Email Statements on Fox News

Sen. Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s running mate, promises to be “real transparent” on NBC’s ‘Meet The Press.’ Clinton claimed this week that she “short-circuited” when she told Fox News Channel’s Chris Wallace that Federal Bureau of Investigation director James Comey found her answers on the controversy “truthful” and “consistent”.


At a July 7 House Oversight Committee hearing, Comey told Congress, “There was classified material emailed”, when he was specifically asked about Clinton’s statements.

In an effort to clarify her most recent statements about her use of a private email server as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton on Friday only further muddled a controversy that has dogged her presidential candidacy from the start.

“I was pointing out in both of those instances, that Director Comey had said that my answers in my Federal Bureau of Investigation interview were truthful. I can speak about what she said to the Federal Bureau of Investigation”.

Additionally, Clinton said: “I have acknowledged repeatedly that using two email accounts was a mistake”, but in fact Clinton used only one email account as secretary of state – the private one.

COMEY: There was classified material e-mail.

When pressed about her promise to implement a comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship, Clinton said she hopes the election would send a clear message to Republicans, who she said had stalled progress on the issue.

The FBI concluded that about 110 of the 30,000 emails Clinton provided for inspection were classified at the time they were sent, though they were not marked as such. If there is one subject on which Clinton should have a decent, well-prepared explanation, it is that of her email server.

In July, Comey said FBI investigators found that 113 emails from Clinton’s server contained classified information that had been secret at the time it was sent or received. “Now, if in retrospect … some different agency said but it should have been [marked classified], though it wasn’t, it should have been, that’s what the debate is about”.

“Only a very small number of the e-mails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information”.

She said, “Just maybe when I’m actually running for a job there is a real benefit from those on the other side with trying to stir up as much trouble as possible”.

But Comey’s statement last month was not so assertive.

CLINTON: Well, I may have short-circuited it; and for that I – you know, will try to clarify.

Near the end of her report, the correspondent highlighted that “on trust, Clinton also getting a big boost – former CIA Director Mike Morell, who’s worked for Democrats and Republicans, endorsing her – saying, Donald Trump would be a ‘dangerous commander-in-chief'”.

“It doesn’t really matter what Barack Obama says”.

The Democratic candidate took seven questions from pre-selected journalists following her remarks.


He turned the issue into an attack on Trump, saying: “The only thing new this week, the only thing new, is Donald Trump’s claiming to have seen a nonexistent video of cash being delivered to the Iranians”.

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump