
Gingrich Isn’t Happy with Trump: He’s ‘Unacceptable’ Right Now, Acting ‘Self-Destructive’

From relentlessly attacking the family of a dead USA soldier to refusing to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan or Sen.


“The current race is which of these two is the more unacceptable, because right now, neither of them is acceptable”, he said.

McCain said in a statement on Thursday that he is “honored to receive the endorsement of Speaker Gingrich, a long-time friend and leader in the Republican Party” who is also “a strong voice for conservative principles”. “The American people get to say you’re fired”, he said.

Despite the obvious turmoil, Trump insisted in a tweet on Wednesday that the party and his campaign had “great unity”.

“Trump has had a tough two weeks, but people need to remember, just before those two weeks, he was ahead in every poll, so the chance for him to bounce back again I think is very real”, Gingrich told John Catsimatidis in an interview airing Sunday on “The Cats Roundtable” on AM 970 in NY.

Newt Gingrich said that, “It’s very tricky if you’ve never run for public office, to jump from being a businessman to being one of the two leaders fighting for the presidency”. “They’re going to take everything they can out of context, and he is not yet performing at the level that you need to”. “There’s always going to be a residual possibility that Trump can win. She can’t be bad enough to elect him if he’s determined to make this many mistakes”. Anything is better than Hillary, Trump is part of “anything”, therefore Trump is better.

Republicans who have endorsed Trump, such as former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, are meeting in an attempted campaign intervention.

The failure of Ted Cruz to endorse Donald at the RNC may have been just the “tip of the iceberg” as there seems to be some intense dissatisfaction and disunity broiling within the GOP right now.

“It’s natural for campaigns to go through evolutions and reexaminations”, said Giuliani, who explained that while campaign manager Paul Manafort and deputy Michael Glassner were “here to stay”, Trump would be making additional senior staff hires shortly to move the remarkably lean campaign towards a more positive message. He said the campaign is “focused”, in “very good shape” and “moving forward”.

A third idea was Hillary Clinton as “the Queen of Corruption”, a new nickname for “crooked Hillary Clinton”.


The objective of the speech, although it was meant to heal the wounds of the Republican Party, can be also considered “a marriage of convenience” between Donald Trump and the Establishment Republicans, for the common goal to win the elections “together”.

New poll shows Hillary Clinton enjoying support of 50% registered voters