
Classic Mercedes crunches $300000 Ferrari at car meetup

Auto enthusiasts at a collector’s show watched in horror as the driver of a Mercedes 380 SL reversed over a $300,000 Ferrari 458 Speciale. The incident took place in Great Falls, Virginia outside the store Katie’s Classic Cars & Coffee.


Warning: You may find some language inappropriate.

“That’s a big, big, big problem”, one spectator proclaims as others identify the Ferrari as a 458 Speciale, which runs around 0,000.

Surrounded by stunned onlookers, the driver revved the engine in a desperate attempt to free her classic auto, but only succeeded in scratching the Ferrari.

Needless to say, the owner of the Ferrari 458 Speciale was a wee bit upset his prized possession now had a convertible sitting on it.

“That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen”, the owner said, as spectators filmed the crash.

Photos after the Mercedes was moved away from the Ferrari show considerable scuffs and scratches across the Ferrari’s hood and bumper.


Viewers commenting on the Facebook page of Katie’s Cars and Coffee, which appears to have orchestrated the vehicle meetup, note that while the damage may be fixable, the car’s value likely won’t be salvaged.

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