
Hillary Clinton Is A Compulsive Liar Under Sworn Testimony or Not

At a rally Friday night in Wisconsin, after Clinton’s remarks earlier that day at a National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists gathering, Trump called Clinton “unbalanced” and “unhinged”.


“Were 67 percent of the people in NY wrong?”

CLINTON: Well, I may have short-circuited it; and for that I – you know, will try to clarify.

She has often faced questions about her statements in support of a 1994 crime bill passed by her husband Bill Clinton.

Addressing questions about immigration reform and her use of a private email server alike, her responses seemed to raise a question for a candidate who many voters have said they view as untrustworthy: Is it really possible to be “truthful” without being entirely candid?

“She didn’t say, ‘I didn’t intend to send classified material.’ That isn’t what she told the American people”, Wallace said.

REP. TREY GOWDY, (R), SC (from July 7, 2016 congressional hearing): Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her e-mails, either sent or received. “Otherwise, if there had been the intention to send classified emails, then the Federal Bureau of Investigation would have pursued this much further”, Becerra said.

“But it will be the Republican majority that will be running the floor until the next senate comes in place”, he continued. I’d say this is crapola but I’m not even sure what she said.

That logic would depend on Republicans changing the political calculus they’ve made over the past eight years.

Wallace didn’t hold back as he pressed Becerra, a strong Clinton ally. But he has also questioned the accuracy of some of the public statements she’s made about the issue.

Chuck Todd confronted him on Meet the Press over Clinton’s muddled answer on her emails and whether she was 100 percent truthful to the American public. “She was saying what Director Comey acknowledged to be true, that when she spoke to the FBI, when she was talking to the FBI, the FBI thought her answers in that setting were truthful”.

“I know that this is something that she’s learned from, and we’re going to be real transparent, absolutely”, he said.

In the end, Kaine did not answer Todd’s question, “Can you conclude here whether or not Secretary Clinton lied to the American public about sending and receiving classified email?”


Despite being thoroughly rebuked by fact-checkers and the FBI, Hillary Clinton continues to give her critics fresh ammunition by claiming she never sent or received any information marked classified in her private email account, keeping alive a controversy that’s dogged her throughout her presidential bid. “Well usually, if any of you have ever served in the government, a classified document has a big heading on the top, which makes very clear what the classification is”, she noted. In the hearing last month, Comey said three marked emails had a “C” mark at the time they were sent or received by Clinton, which would have indicated their classified nature.

Andrew Harnik