
Dragon Quest X Confirmed In Development For Nintendo NX Along With PS4

While an official release date has not been announced for the game, or in fact for the NX, Dragon Quest X itself is now out on the Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Android and PC.


Speaking with Famitsu, Dragon Quest X Producer Yosuke Saito and Director Chikara Saito gave an update on the development of the game. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has been confirmed for launch and we’ll also see a new Mario and Pokemon on the platform at least six months after. But the publisher has revealed that Dragon Quest X, the franchise’s MMO detour, will also be released for the NX.

Dragon Quest X is officially in development for the Nintendo NX.

Little else was mentioned about Dragon Quest X’s NX debut, but Saito did confirm that it’ll be available well before the launch of Dragon Quest XI.

When asked when the title would come out on the PS4, Yosuke Saito said it would arrive (in Japan) in due time, well before Dragon Quest XI.

Dragon Quest X is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game and is the tenth installment in the highly popular Dragon Quest series.

Dragon Quest X is now available for Wii, Wii U, PC, Android, iOS, and Nintendo 3DS.


Unfortunately, although the game has been offering its services for four years, it has never gotten out of Japan.

Dragon Quest