
Ryan’s Primary Opponent: ‘Why Do We Have Muslims in the Country’

But, of course, our elections are awash in money from outside special interests – super PACs, dark-money nonprofits, LLCs – created to allow donors to give as much as they want, circumventing campaign finance caps on giving to candidates.


“They know me and that comforts me greatly”, Ryan said, pointing to the bevy of state and community Republican leaders who have backed him, calling the GOP here a “gelled and unified party, as good as any other state in the country”.

Echoing the ideas of Donald Trump, Nehlen sees this primary election a battle between the forces of those putting America first, and those who support a globalist agenda. But Trump was in a similar situation during the Republican primary, and Nehlen is courting Trump’s voter base.

In reflecting on Brat’s campaign, it appears he used a milder form of populism than Nehlen is employing to attack Speaker Ryan, whereas Brat spoke more to core conservative principles.

On the Friday, August 5th edition of TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles, the host welcomed Paul Nehlen, candidate for Congress for Wisconsin’s 1st District. Ryan will advance those policy preferences, and his reelection would signal endorsement of them, even if Trump were to win.

By Wednesday, however, Ryan did get the endorsement of Trump’s vice presidential running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, who said he’d gotten the go-ahead to do so from Trump.

Thats how much the Trump campaign said it raised last month, only slightly behind Hillary Clinton’s $90 million.

This is especially true when Ryan’s challenger has doubtful ties to the district (unlike Dave Brat), when his “small business” isn’t a business, when he tries without Trump’s shrewdness to imitate his abrasive rhetoric. “And if Ryan doesn’t fill that bill, we should get another one”. They prove once again that the political class, and those “conservative thinkers” who earn a living by opposing things for the sake of attention, don’t understand Wisconsin’s true conservatism at all.

Nehlen and Ward victories are clearly a harbinger of things to come in the 18′ midterms but they might also put the current Republican establishment on notice for their lukewarm support of Trump and Trump policies. On his website’s issues page, Nehlen criticizes Ryan for backing legislation that expands the federal government’s ability to detain citizens without due process and warrantless surveillance.

“Paul Ryan thinks that’s his job”. He pledged his support for Donald Trump in May. You couldn’t ask for a better guy, and I think your little camper you ought to move right out of town. “He died before the Fort Hood shootings, the Boston Marathon bombings, the Chattanooga killings, San Bernardino Christmas party mass shooting and the Orlando nightclub”, Nehlen said.

Paul Nehlen calls himself an entrepreneur and inventor. In May, a poll sponsored by the Washington Free Beacon found Ryna leading 80 percent to 7 percent.

Some political pundits suggest that the study shows the negative influence Sarah Palin potentially has on the Trump campaign.

4th Senate District: State Rep. Mandela Barnes is challenging state Sen.


Regardless of whether Ryan loses or not, there is evidence that the House Speaker is feeling the heat of this new populist wave in the GOP.

Vote Tuesday Paul Ryan faces Paul Nehlen in GOP Primary in Wisconsin's 1st Congressional District