
‘After School Satan’ clubs proposed at elementary schools nationwide

After School Satan Clubs may be coming to a school near you, if the Satanic Temple has their way.


The group argues that since evangelical organizations have clubs and programs designed for elementary-aged children, they should be allowed to teach kids, too.

“As it is illegal for the schools to discriminate against specific religions or preference others, After School Satan Clubs can not be denied wherever Christian, or any other religious clubs, operate”, After School Satan argues in a FAQ on its website. In 2001, the Supreme Court ruled that schools can’t discriminate against clubs because of the club’s expressed religious values.

The group plans to petition schools so its curriculum can be part of official clubs as early as this fall. Every child receives a membership card and must have a signed parental permission slip to attend.

According to its website, The Satanic Temple does not promote belief in Satan; rather, it uses the devil as a symbol for free thought. Instead of teaching kids they “are sinners and going to Hell”, the Satan club “will be providing a scientific after school club to balance the superstition being put forward by the Evangelical groups”.

“There’s a huge population of people who have been screaming about these Good News Clubs and are disgusted by their presence in the schools”, he said.

The after-school club will be organized by The Satanic Temple (TST).

Its mission is to take on issues such as the relationship between church and state – and it causes a ruckus whenever it deems something too religious for the public square.

The Satanic Temple seeks to bring an After School Satan Club to elementary schools around the country.

The Satanic Temple did not respond for comment.

Across the nation, school days are often extended with after school reading clubs, homework help, and sports activities; but are parents ready for an after-school program based on Satan?

Right now the club does not have a faculty sponsor but Amy Jensen, who says she is a certified teacher, is hoping to run the program at Roskruge.

“Officially”, said Rezz, “We would prefer that no religion has an after school program”.

“It’s probably dust they’re kicking up and is likely to fade away in the near future for lack of interest”, Staver said.


However, the district also advised in its public statement that it has asked The Satanic Temple to remove its name from its website.

After School Satan Club could be coming to elementary schools in the U S Daily Mail