
No appeal for OH vet convicted in purple heart forgery

A former Marine isn’t happy that another Marine gave Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump his Purple Heart. There are groups or chapters across the country that are just for these veterans, allowing them to connect over some common ground. Trump his Purple Heart before a rally in Ashburn, Virginia, the Washington Examiner reported.


Trump received four draft deferments from Vietnam War for going to college, and one time for heel spurs. “And I had three branches sticking out all over me from the tree…penetrated into my back”, Viker remembers.

Membership to the Rochester Lloyd-Swenson Chapter is free to Purple Heart Veterans. Neither did he mention that the final award to a fallen soldier is the Purple Heart given to his or her family postumously, like the Khan family who he attacked after his ego was “wounded”.

Creator Cameron Kerr, writes on GoFundMe that “as a Purple Heart recipient (proof) who earned one the old fashioned way by returning from Afghanistan one leg lighter, I fully endorse his desire to earn one and would happily oblige his interest in doing so, by being one of the first to chip in to fly him to the conflict zone of his choosing”. “You know, you are, so I just want to thank you so much for your service”. Of course, Kerr never expected people to take his fundraising goals seriously, and has therefore come up with a new plan to use that money for something Donald Trump would absolutely loathe.


After Barney returned from Iraq, he told Politico that he suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which he hasn’t been afraid to talk openly about, in hopes of getting attention for other veterans who struggle with the condition. So instead, we’re going to convert his toxic bigotry, ignorance, and callousness into something positive.

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