
CBB pair ‘jailed’ after revelation of Christopher Biggins’ removal

Big Brother bosses have since come under fire from viewers of the show who believe Biggins” punishment was “unfair’ compared to the punishments other housemates have received for their outrageous behaviour.


It later transpired he had made a comment alluding to the Holocaust to fellow housemate Katie Waissel, and described Aids as “a bisexual disease” that was “man-made”.

He later told The Sun: “Renee [Graziano] said she knew a Central Intelligence Agency man who told her that the American government had come up with the virus in order to get rid of people in third world countries – I had also heard the rumour”.

The 67-year-old entertainer was the first person to enter the house during the programme’s launch show and was the first contestant to leave. You can’t get much more Jewish than that.

“I am mortified by what’s happened, really mortified”, he said.

Even after being warned by Big Brother, Biggins did not reel in his comments on bisexuals.

Celebrity Big Brother’s problems surrounding Christopher Biggins are far from over – with reports suggesting the show could be fined over the veteran stars offensive opinions.

He claimed HIV had been spread by bisexuals who had sex with people with the virus overseas “and brought it back to their own families in America and that’s how it became a worldwide disease”.

“I’m very sorry and I’m very sad”, said Biggins, who looked shocked as the charges were read out against him.

Biggins added: ‘Katie is a very sensitive girl with a few issues’.

On Friday, Channel 5 said a transcript of comments circulating on social media and claiming to have been made by Mr Biggins was fake.

On a separate occasion Biggins was hauled into the diary room when he told Graziano in another conversation: “I think the worst type is the bisexuals, what it is is people not wanting to admit they are gay”.

Issues that were raised by viewers included Christopher Biggins’ ejection with 86 people feeling his exit as unfair.


The live eviction on Friday went ahead as planned, with host Emma Willis simply confirming Biggins had been removed from the house. “It’s odd that I had already chose to experience it myself”, he added. “It’s brought things out of me I never thought I’d do in a million years”. “I know it’s going to be awful”, he told The Sun newspaper.

Christopher Biggins removed from CBB house for 'offensive language'