
Trump vows to jump-start USA economy

“No one will pay so much that it destroys jobs, or undermines our ability as a nation to compete”, he said at the Detroit Economic Club, in a speech that was repeatedly interrupted by protesters. “Especially for those who have the very least.We will make America grow again”.


Out of everything Trump has done in his campaign, his controversy with the Khan family has been the single most damaging element, pushing even the most ardent establishment supporters further away from being able to support the nominee. The number seems to have come from a December 2015 analysis by the Congressional Budget Office projecting that the Affordable Care Act would shrink the labor supply by 0.86% (or about two million full-time-equivalent workers) over 10 years-compared to what it will be without the law.

Clinton has proposed raising taxes on the highest-income earners, including a surcharge on multimillionaires, but analysts have found lower-income earners would see little change beyond measures such as additional tax credits for expenses like out-of-pocket health care costs.

The billionaire proposes to end the estate tax – nicknamed the “death tax”. He had previously said he would drop that rate to 25 percent, an idea many tax experts said would dramatically reduce government income and balloon deficits. He would bring the USA rate, one of the highest in the world, from 39 per cent down to 15 per cent – far lower than Canada’s, and lower than the House GOP’s proposed rate of 20 per cent. Trump proposes to tax them as ordinary income.

Trump will also revisit his opposition to current trade deals, including his plan to renegotiate the NAFTA trade agreement with Canada and Mexico, and vow to improve intellectual property protections.

Trump framed his plan as a shot in the arm for American business as he chided Clinton for promoting policies that kept jobs overseas. He also kept his cool as some 14 protesters jumped to their feet and shouted at him at intervals as he spoke at the Detroit Economic Club.

Clinton, in Detroit later in the week, plans to call for the largest investment in jobs since World War II, her campaign says, while questioning Trump’s own commitment to helping the middle class.

Clinton’s support among self-identified Democrats rose from 88 percent in July to 92 percent in August, while Trump’s support among the Republican base fell slightly from 81 to 79 percent.

“Recently, at a campaign event, Hillary Clinton short circulated – you know this one”.

“We now begin a great national conversation about economic renewal for America”, Trump said.

Another warning sign for Trump: Two in three voters say Trump lacks the temperament to be president.


“There was no discussion of minimum wage, no discussion of family leave”, the correspondent said.

Image Hillary Clinton speaking