
Trump to propose deduction on childcare spending – aide

Trump is viewed more negatively by likely voters in the state, with only 35 percent saying they have a favorable opinion of the candidate and 57 reporting an unfavorable view.


Trump has been immersed in controversy over his repeated criticism of a Muslim-American family whose son, an Army captain, was killed in Iraq, and his refusal for days to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan in Tuesday’s Wisconsin primary.

Trump pointed to Detroit as a “living, breathing example of my opponent’s failed economic agenda”.

Loopholes and deductions for the very rich and for corporations would be reduced or eliminated and end the deferral of taxes on corporate income earned overseas.

“Hillary’s situation in which the Federal Bureau of Investigation found her to be extremely careless in handling top security information, my goodness, I wouldn’t hire a person as an assistant United States attorney if that was in their Federal Bureau of Investigation background”, he said. Carried interest is a portion of investment gains paid to certain investment managers and is now taxed like capital gains at rates as low as 23.8 percent.

Calk called Trump’s vision for taxes the biggest tax revolution since changes enacted under Republican President Ronald Reagan in 1986.

Trump says in an economic speech in Detroit that he wants to simplify the tax code to three brackets: 12%, 25% and 33% of income.

Several factors have led to this leap in support for the Democratic nominee, namely her performance at the Democratic convention as well as Trump’s major conflict with the Khan family.

The new poll reflects an increase from the previous “Poll of Polls” before the convention, which shows Clinton ahead 45% to Trump’s 41%, the result of incorporating five national, live-interviewer telephone polls.

Peter Navarro, a University of California-Irvine professor who is the only formal Trump economic adviser with a deep academic background, noted that Detroit, home of U.S. autos, has seen a movement of auto manufacturing jobs to Mexico.

On Thursday, she is set to deliver her own economic speech in Detroit, a city that has symbolized the nation’s manufacturing plight.

“This will lead to millions of new good-paying jobs”.


Even if Trump can do all of that – get his advantage with men up to Bush’s 11-point edge and get Clinton’s edge with women down to just 11 points – he still would come up short in the popular vote because of the first part of the equation: women produce more votes. Critics blame NAFTA for costing American jobs. To stem illegal immigration, he said he would build a wall along the US southern border with Mexico.

Trump to propose deduction on childcare spending - aide