
3 people fall from Ferris wheel in Tennessee

Gregory Wayne Lynthacum, whose daughters were on the ferris wheel at the time of the accident, said three young girls fell from the top of the ferris wheel, which was ascending.


According to Local 8 News affiliate WJHL, emergency crews were dispatched to the Greene County Fair at 6:17 pm.

Davis said later on Monday night that all three victims were responsive and answering questions.

They were rushed to Johnson City Medical Center.

Family Attractions must call a third-party inspector to the scene within 24 hours and they also must “cease and desist operation of the entire fair”, Farrar told 10News. Two were taken by helicopter and one by ambulance.

Gregory Lynthacum of Washington County, TN said he saw three young girls fall from the Ferris Wheel when their auto appeared to get caught as the wheel lifted them upwards spilling them out. Photo by Nathan Haney via WJHL’s Facebook.

‘People were hollering and screaming to stop it, ‘ he told the Sun.


WJHL spoke with an eyewitness, Gregory Lynthacum of Washington County, Tennessee, who said he saw three young girls fall from the Ferris wheel when their vehicle appeared to get caught as the wheel lifted them upwards, and they spilled out. ‘We don’t know at this time what caused the accident’.

Three young girls have fallen from a Ferris wheel at a county fairground in eastern Tennessee authorities say. Above a file