
Donald Trump’s economic plan: Five things you should know

Promising to “jumpstart America” to a new era of prosperity, Donald Trump announced a revamped economic plan Monday aimed at revitalizing a stagnant us economy by cutting taxes for workers and businesses.


Delivering his speech from a teleprompter, Trump was interrupted repeatedly by protesters who stood on chairs and shouted at him before being pulled out of the room by security guards. A campaign aide said Trump would give more detail in a later speech.

But there were some familiar themes.

And after a week of grim polling numbers, Trump had more bad news on Monday.

What is Trump’s economic vision?

“He’s a dreamer. He’s a builder”.

Yet if the Democrats can significantly cut into the Republicans’ House majority, some of the more moderate GOP members, who do not follow in lockstep with the party, might be persuaded to throw their support behind watered-down versions of one of Clinton’s proposals. Trump has courted working class voters throughout his campaign.

Trump said Detroit’s decline was due to “high taxes”, “radical regulation”, “the immigration policies that have strained local budgets” and “the trade deals like NAFTA”. She says she had been drifting away from the GOP for years and Clinton’s campaign in ’08 persuaded her to vote for Barack Obama.

“It’s all very well planned out”, Trump said of the protesters. “How do we get back to a healthy rate of economic growth which we haven’t had in a decade?” That’s because more than 40 per cent of taxpayers don’t make enough money to owe taxes to the federal government at the end of the year.

The letter goes on to slam Trump as lacking “the character, values, and experience to be president”, and as a candidate whose presidency would weaken “U.S. moral authority as the leader of the free world”.

Tax simplification will be a major feature of the plan. “We had a tax deduction until the late 70s”, Blank said.

Americans in the top income bracket are now taxed at 39.6%. Her platform includes a modest tax increase.

Editor’s note: NPR will be fact-checking Trump’s speech as it happens, and we’ll post that here. In the coming weeks, we will be offering more detail on all of these policies, and the ones we have already rolled out can be viewed on my campaign website.

This comes after former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell penned an op-ed in The New York Times endorsing Hillary Clinton, while criticizing Trump. The list of advisers his campaign released Friday, included more businessmen than economists, and no women. But mostly, the speech was a mishmash of Republican boilerplate, vague promises Trump has made many times before, and statements that were outright misleading. And he argued that it was important to save the jobs of ordinary Americans, but – again aside from rejecting trade deals – he didn’t offer any specific proposals for how to do that.

He also said the “War on Coal” has cost MI more than 50,000 jobs, and that he plans to put coal miners and steel workers back to work, citing Clinton’s former statement that she would put coal companies and miners out of work. She said she understands their frustration and their anger with the economy, but stressed that electing a “hater” like Mr. Trump isn’t the answer.

Currently, the Republicans hold both houses of the U.S. Congress and it’s considered unlikely that the House of Representatives will switch hands in next fall’s election, regardless of who wins the presidency. American cars will travel the roads, American planes will connect our cities, and American ships will patrol the seas.


Mr. Holtz-Eakin criticizes Trump for talking about a revival of American steel, a vision of the mid-20th century United States that is not forward-looking. We’ve got to say, “Hey, there’ s not a problem we can’t solve in America when we put our minds to it!” “We are going to look boldly into the future, and with new leadership – and new solutions we will get new results”, he said. “Our country will reach fantastic new heights – maybe heights never attained before”.

Hillary Clinton