
GOP Sen. Collins ‘dismayed’ by Trump, won’t vote for him

While the USA security experts did not say they would vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton – indeed they expressed “doubts” about her – they were clear in stating that “none of us will vote for Donald Trump”.


-The chief spokesman for the Florida Republican party announced he was quitting to take a position with an outside conservative group because he wants to avoid working for Trump.

Republican Donald Trump said Monday he would slash taxes, block onerous financial regulations and unleash the energy sector as he pledged to “jump-start America” with a new economic plan if he is elected president.

He embraced a tax plan issued by House Republicans this year that, although it would reduce taxes on all Americans, would offer particularly lucrative tax cuts for the affluent.

“There is nothing in Donald Trump’s career or his trumped-up tax plan that would show any commitment to reducing income inequality and fighting for middle-class families”, Mr. Sperling said. That proposal comes after a decade in which after-tax corporate profits have risen sharply as a share of national income and compensation for workers has fallen.

In his July 31 Letter to the Editor, Stu Bassman suggests the Register is excessively anti-Donald Trump and too pro-Hillary Clinton [Register attacks Donald Trump nearly daily].

Referring to the Trump’s economic policy speech, Clinton said there wasn’t a lot in it for most Americans.

But Clinton, a 68-year-old former secretary of state and senator, has enjoyed a strong bounce in polls since officially becoming the Democratic nominee last month, the first time a woman has become the flagbearer of a major USA party.

A group called the Michigan People’s Campaign is taking responsibility for organizing women to protest Trump during his speech.

Collins wrote that she supports neither party’s nominee, though previously she’s said she’s open to voting for Hillary Clinton.

“It’s encouraging that Donald Trump appears to be modifying his tax plan”, said Maya MacGuineas, president of the anti-debt Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

He proposed big tax cuts for businesses and individuals, as well as halting regulations that he says stifle companies.

But the campaign did respond to a letter from 50 former national security and foreign policy officials who served under previous Republican presidents and said they, too, would not vote for Trump. “Three incidents in particular have led me to the inescapable conclusion that Trump lacks the temperament, self-discipline and judgement required to be President”, she wrote. He says a Trump-Pence administration will sign “Sarah’s Law”, a bill introduced by Iowa senators to tighten laws around people living here illegally who commit crimes.

Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas drew a link between the emails and Amiri’s execution Sunday, saying on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” “In the emails that were on Hillary Clinton’s private server, there were conversations among her senior advisors about this gentleman”. Speaking to supporters in St. Petersburg, the former secretary of state warned that her Republican opponent is a threat to both national security and the economy.

Turkey’s justice minister said Tuesday the United States would be sacrificing its alliance with Turkey to “a terrorist” if it were to refuse to extradite a US -based Muslim cleric whom the government says is behind.


“American cars will travel the roads, American planes will connect our cities and American ships will patrol the seas”, Trump said. The GOP nominee had tried in a major policy speech at the Detroit Economic Club to turn the page on a awful stretch in his campaign by unveiling a revamped economic plan centered on far-reaching tax cuts.

Donald Trump suggests Hillary Clinton emails linked to Iranian's execution