
Trump says won’t endorse Ryan in the run-up to Wisconsin primary

Donald Trump says President Barack Obama is attacking him because he’s “concerned I’m going to win”. John McCain and New Hampshire Sen. Also, Rep. Richard Hanna of NY became the first Republican member of Congress to say he will vote for Clinton.


The New York billionaire made the announcement in an interview with the Washington Post on Tuesday. He also is a U.S. Army reservist who served in Iraq.

Ryan says he never sought Trump’s endorsement in the first place.

“I like Paul, but these are disgusting times for our country”, Trump said in the Tuesday interview.

Trump reiterated his refusal to endorse Ryan in an official statement acquired by NBC News, stating that he is “not ready to support Speaker Ryan’s agenda”.

Donald Trump aides and people close to his campaign are increasingly frustrated by his insistence on waging various fights that steer him off message. Roday added that the Ryan team was “confident in a victory next week regardless”. John McCain, who is also up for reelection in Arizona against former state senator Kelli Ward and tea party activist Clair Van Steenwyk, Trump also held back. Ayotte’s spokesman confirmed that she would not withdraw her endorsement, but spokesmen for the others did not immediately respond.

But Bradshaw and Comella are among a group of top Republican operatives, messengers, national committee members and donors who continue to decry Trump’s tactics, highlighting nearly daily – with fewer than 100 days before the election – the fissures created by the billionaire and his takeover of the party.

“And he said: ‘You know Mr. Trump, this is for your campaign.’ And I said: ‘You don’t have to do that.’ He goes: ‘I do, ‘” Trump said.

“I still support Donald Trump because I genuinely believe he’s the only guy that has West Virginia’s best interest at heart”, Cole said. “My leader when I served down range in Iraq”, she said. We need very, very strong leadership. Early voting began Wednesday and the primary election is August 30. In doing so, he echoed the House speaker’s comments of nearly three months earlier, when the Wisconsin congressman was initially reluctant to embrace Trump as his party’s standard bearer.

Trump has been in an ongoing verbal battle with the parents of slain Army Capt. Humayun Khan since the soldier’s father spoke out against Trump and his stance on a temporary ban on Muslim immigrants at the Democratic National Convention last week. On Monday, Trump tweeted that he was being “viciously attacked” by Khizr Khan. Trump said the grieving father had “no right” to criticize him but later acknowledged their son is a hero.

Trump has criticized Khizr Khan and Ghazala Khan since they took the stage at last week’s Democratic convention.


“You have sacrificed nothing and no one”, he continued, then asked Trump if he had ever read the Constitution.

Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump talked up his appreciation for Gold Star families during a rally Wednesday in Jacksonville