
On guard: US team locking down on defence for Rio gold

Of course, there’s just a bit of adifference between a brothel and a spa. However, we feel that they should be focusing on basketball and not brothels.


One eagle-eyed snapper pictured three men looking remarkably similar to the United States stars looking around the infamous Termas Monte Carlo.

Team USA members DeAndre Jordan, DeMar DeRozan and DeMarcus Cousins (and possibly a few other unspecified teammates) strolled into one of Rio de Janeiro’s high-end brothels by mistake, according to a TMZ report. Details are unclear in the report but they had called before and were informed of what when on at Termas Monte-Carlo.

Next time they choose to go out, the players will probably look into the places they plan to visit beforehand.

Luckily for the players, Team USA went on the following day to crush the Chinese basketball team with a winning score of 119-62.

Images have emerged, however, of Jordan hanging out by the bar inside the club, while Cousins was snapped alongside a girl who appeared to have her hands wrapped around his waist. The crew of teammates headed out Wednesday night for some bonding time when they made a decision to duck into the high-end brothel Terra Monte Carlo, at which point, according their accounts, they quickly realized it was a brothel and left. They soon found themselves inside a high-end brothel.


USA Basketball and their sponsor, Cisco, have rented out the entire Silver Cloud cruise ship, to provide enhanced security to such world-famous players as Anthony and Kevin Durant.

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