
Watseka’s Farmers Market to have customer appreciation day Saturday

The week is apart of a continuing promotion of local farmer’s markets by the governor’s office.


This year, August 7-13 will mark the 17th annual National Farmers Market Week. Today there are more than 8,500 farmers markets in the US, up from just over 4,000 a decade ago, with some 150,000 farmers selling their production directly to consumers through these markets, via farm stands or through community support agriculture subscriptions.

For example, farmers markets in the state offer fresh, affordable, healthful products for low-income women, infants, children and seniors participating through the WIC and Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Programs through an opportunity to redeem their benefits.

This week, proclaimed Farmers’ Market Week, is all about encouraging shoppers to buy farm-grown produce. With that many choices, there is bound to be a market day and time that fits your schedule.

State Sen. Joan Lovely, D-Salem, who also represents Beverly, spoke of how farmers markets help to bring a sense of community.

Additionally, many reports have shown that farmers markets have an additional economic impact on nearby businesses as visitors spend money beyond the farmers market borders.

“Consumers want to know how food is grown, and farmers have a lot to say – making farmers markets not only important but indispensable”, said Jay Vroom, president and CEO of CLA. “You can’t get more “local” than that”.


Overall, farmers markets are a key piece in creating healthy communities built on economic, environmental and social sustainability.

Virginia now has Farmers' Market Week