
New York’s New Top Cop Came Up Through The Ranks

Bratton, 68, will be replaced by the Police Department’s top uniformed officer, Chief James P. O’Neill, a veteran NY commander who became an officer in 1983 and has a long relationship with Bratton, dating to their time together in the city’s old transit police force.


City Councilman Vincent J. Gentile (Bay Ridge, Bensonhurst, Bath Beach, Dyker Heights): “It is with sadness that I learn of Commissioner Bratton’s departure from the NYPD”.

Bratton said they were working on making a transition from “being the police to being your police”.

“I leave with some reluctance, but it’s time”, Bratton said. The top cop resigned from his NY position in 1996 following reports of disagreements between Bratton and the mayor over who deserved credit for the drop in crime. He brought quality-of-life policing to NY and developed Compstat, a computer based crime-fighting system.

De Blasio was elected as a sharp critic of another police tactic called stop-and-frisk, which involved stopping and searching huge numbers of people, overwhelmingly black and Hispanic.

“I think well over a year ago that question was asked and I responded then, as I did in the most recent interview in the Times that I did not intend to stay into a second term”, Bratton said, adding that he was confident de Blasio would win a second term in 2017. Commissioner Bratton will join Teneo in September, following his retirement from the New York City Police Department. “Commissioner Bratton brings unparalleled expertise that will benefit our clients around the globe”.

De Blasio also was full of praise for Bratton.

By October the neighborhood policing initiative would be rolled out to more than half the police command city wide, he said.

The idea resonated at this annual event created to bring police and communities together where families got face-time with officers from the 114th precinct. He’ll never forget how in an auditorium of potential officers, Bratton announced he’d like to see 10 people whose names he called, and Green was disappointed he wasn’t called, he said.

A report was actually issued last month, though, by NYPD’s watchdog inspector general concluding that-not only was there no evidence that quality-of-life enforcement reduced felonies-serious crime rates actually continued to fall even when those lesser crimes were not being enforced. Garner, who was black, was unarmed; Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who put his arm around Garner’s neck, is white. Now protesters are patiently awaiting Bratton’s announcement of resignation. In April, four high-ranking police officers were disciplined in the probe. In an extraordinary display of scorn, officers turned their back on the mayor at a hospital on the night of the December 2012 killings and again at the officers’ funerals.

As chief of department, O’Neill advocated for “neighborhood policing”, encouraging officers to build relationships with the residents in their communities. Teneo Risk is a new division of the firm focused on advising clients on key risk identification, prevention and response.


O’Neill, like Bratton and de Blasio, is white.

New York Police Commissioner William Bratton