
Ipsos Poll: Clinton’s Lead over Trump Narrows to Less Than Three Points

In an effort to fix some of the damage he had inflicted on his presidential campaign, Donald Trump endorsed House Speaker Paul Ryan to end a four-day standoff that exposed the deeps chasms in the Republican Party over his candidacy.


Friday at the Wisconsin Valley, Snyder responded to Wright and says he will not condemn Donald Trump for what he said, and will continue to support him no matter what. “We’ve got to stop being the stupid country run by very stupid people”, he said.

Trump’s running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, called the real estate mogul a “refreshing” change and argued he’d never forgotten the workers who made his projects possible. It’s a message furious senior members of the party carried to Trump privately and publicly in the days after Trump last week refused in a Washington Post interview to endorse the re-election bids of House Speaker Paul Ryan, Sen.

It’s not clear that Ryan is keen to receive Trump’s endorsement.

Ryan told a radio station just last week he is not above pulling his endorsement of his party’s nominee, which would be unprecedented. John McCain for his service to our country in uniform and in public office, and I fully support and endorse his re-election. “He won the election and the people spoke … and I do think we should be there to support him”, Lasee said.

Trump said on Friday he wanted a “big tent” party with multiple viewpoints welcome. Clinton understands that in a competitive global economy we need the best-educated workforce in the world.

Meanwhile, Ryan was initially hesitant to endorse Trump for the White House but later did so after meeting him in Washington. But if Trump wins the presidency, he could embarrass establishment Republicans for another four to eight years. And you have to wonder: “If Trump is losing his special appeal to the voting category that has always been his campaign’s signature “base”, where is he supposed to make that up?” I firmly doubt, however, that Trump knows what the word “sincerity” means.

John Herrig, president of Iowa State Council of Machinists, said Clinton would invest in manufacturing and crack down on trade abuses as president by making companies that move overseas pay an exit tax and requiring them to pay back any government breaks they had previously received. “I love babies”, he said. Ryan said: “I’m just going to rise above this stuff and I’m not going to get involved in some sort of petty back and forth”.

But instead of improving the map, Trump and his campaign find themselves playing defense in traditionally Republican voting states like Georgia, Arizona and even Utah.

While Ryan is expected to win his primary contest in a landslide this yea, his opponent, businessman Paul Nehlen, who share similar tones as that of Trump has gained support from the fringes of the Republican party.

Goldstein said polling averages are more instructive than any one poll, but that a steady Clinton lead of 7 or 8 points could harm Republicans down the ballot.

The group did not mention an endorsement of Democrat Hillary Clinton in its statement.

Trump’s relationship with the three lawmakers has been rocky over the previous year.

Trump promptly fired off a statement saying Khan had “no right” to suggest that he had never read the constitution, particularly ironic given the constitution’s first amendment endows all Americans (and therefore Khan) with that precise right.

“It doesn’t make me feel good when people say those things, and I recognize that I have work to do”, Clinton said.


Trump’s troubles started with his reaction to the Democratic National Convention and, in typical Trump fashion, they began with a tweet. Ted Cruz, and his enduring friction with GOP leaders there does not bode well for him in what is already one of the toughest presidential battleground states for any Republican.

Trump expected to endorse Ryan Friday