
Trump’s Economic Plan Focuses On Tax Cuts, Regulation Reductions, Domestic Energy

The aide, who asked not to be identified, said on Sunday in outlining the plan: “We don’t want it to be an economic disadvantage to have children”.


Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort said Sunday on Fox News Channel that with the speech, “we’re comfortable that we can get the agenda and the narrative of the campaign back on where it belongs, which is comparing the tepid economy under Obama and Clinton, versus the kind of growth economy that Mr. Trump wants to build”. Clinton did not directly address his remarks at the brewery.

But neither is among the 11 battleground states that Clinton’s television advertising plans and her travel schedule point to as her focus.

Trump had promised at the time that he would make up for lost revenue by closing a slew of loopholes.

He says that he has been working on the plan with his daughter, Ivanka, who is one of his top advisers.

The New York businessman used an address on the economy to try to turn the page after a week of missteps in which he came under heavy criticism, including from some in his own party, and rival Democrat Hillary Clinton surged ahead in opinion polls with three months to go until the November 8 election.

“They wrote him a speech and he delivered in Detroit”, she continued. And Clinton made a preemptive strike against her Republican foe. He also spoke about his opposition to Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and vowed to pull out of the disastrous deal. His plans include proposing a 15 percent corporate tax rate, an idea that is on his website.

He would eliminate the estate tax levied on the assets of the dead, and allow businesses with trillions of dollars of profits overseas to bring the money home with a 10 per cent levy. That would be a major drop from the current 35 percent corporate tax rate, though many companies pay much less because of various deductions.

At a family-owned beer brewery earlier in the day, Clinton accused Trump for engaging in the business practice of refusing to pay workers for their services.

Trump’s advisers, whose median worth is estimated in the hundreds of millions, embodies his anti-establishment pitch that America’s billionaires are the only ones who can save the country. Trump blames an excess of red tape for stifling economic activity. The protests are occurring in intervals every few minutes and each woman has used the same tactic.

Clinton is to outline an economic vision of her own in MI on Thursday. She said it was due to a video.

“She is the candidate of the past”, Trump said. “Ours is the campaign of the future”.

Numerous signers, including former World Bank chief Robert Zoellick and former Homeland Security Secretaries Michael Chertoff and Tom Ridge, served under President George W. Bush, who has refused to endorse Mr. Trump.

More than a dozen protesters on Monday interrupted Donald Trump’s speech laying out his economic proposals in what he had hoped would be a tame and scripted affair before a receptive audience. Absent are the names of any women and well-known policy experts, save for one economist with a doctorate and a tax policy expert. Another stood up several minutes later and was also removed.

But Trump has alienated many Latinos with claims Mexico sends “rapists” to the USA and calls for deporting 11 million people in the country illegally. But like so many of his plans, he declined to provide specifics.

The highlight of Donald Trump’s economic plan calls for reducing the number of tax brackets from 7 to 3, and cutting income taxes. Calk described Trump’s vision for taxes as the biggest tax revolution since President Ronald Reagan in 1986.

Trump is revisiting his economic plan as he tries to move past a rough patch in his campaign marked by comments that have drawn criticism from both parties.

Numerous same leaders wrote an open letter in March during the Republican primaries condemning Trump and pledging to oppose his candidacy, at a time when other GOP candidates remained in the race. Bush, who is Texas land commissioner, told GOP activists on Saturday it was time to put aside lingering animosity from the primaries. Also, he stated we have the lowest labor force participation rate in four decades, and American households now earn $4000 less than they did 16 years ago.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani says Trump’s endorsements, coming after his refusal to endorse the trio, show that Trump “has the ability and the understanding to realize that there are going to be disagreements and you’ve got to be able to reach out to the entire party”.


It also includes two Homeland Security secretaries under Bush, Tom Ridge and Michael Chertoff, and Robert Zoellick, a former World Bank president, US trade representative and deputy secretary of state.

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