
US archer Brady Ellison beats best friend to advance in Rio

“It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating”, before calling on world leaders to tackle the issue. “Credits his method acting in The Revenant for archery skills”.


DiCaprio used his Best Actor acceptance speech as a platform to advocate for action on climate change to an audience of 34.5 million live viewers.

While Ellison, who is 14 years younger than DiCaprio, certainly resembles the A-list actor, their lives couldn’t be more different. The Leonardo DiCaprio Oscar speech was meant to push the scientific community into adopting the 21st-century dynamic communication landscape and become agents of change.

When the team focused on February 28, 2016, the day of DiCaprio’s speech, they discovered a record-breaking increase in tweet and Google searches mentioning the words “global warming”, “climate change” and similar terms.

The next day, tweets mentioning climate change or global warming were 636 per cent higher than the day before the Oscars.

“The example of DiCaprio and others demonstrates that dissemination can occur completely outside the context of a campaign and can even generate more public engagement than planned events”, the study noted. This increase was 261 percent just an hour after the speech.


Apparently, there was no significant change concerning news coverage of climate change despite DiCaprios championing the seriousness of the matter. He further affirmed that the production team had to move to southern tip of the planet to find snow.

Leonardo DiCaprio Made People Care About Climate Change, Statistics Say