
Will Donald Trump’s speech get campaign back on track?

“The headline should read: ‘Trump puts together a brilliant team to help bargain on behalf of the American people, ‘ and instead, we wallow in this muck of political correctness”, he said.


Trump is trying to boost his campaign after a week of missteps that saw his poll numbers drop and the 68-year-old Clinton, a former senator and first lady, seize the momentum.

He added: “She is the candidate of the past”. “Ours is the campaign of the future”.

The correspondent also noted that Trump had been applauded for opposing trade deals even though Republicans members of the Detroit Economic Club traditionally favored free trade agreements.

Clinton mocked Trump’s economic plan, which he released in Detroit today, pointing out that it was a repeat of the same trickle down economics that allowed rich people to avoid paying taxes.

Throughout the speech, Trump portrayed himself as a “change-maker” in contrast to Hillary Clinton’s 30 years in politics.

Hillary Clinton launched fresh attacks on Donald Trump’s business record and temperament on Monday, casting the businessman as a cheat who has repeatedly “stiffed” American workers and a person who appears to take “pleasure” in attacking protesters, journalists and a Gold Star family. Now he’s proposing higher rates: 12%, 25%, and 33%, in line with proposals from House Republicans.

Donald Trump seemingly joked about shooting Hillary Clinton during a speech on Tuesday in North Carolina.

In today’s segment of the Couvillon interview, the topic turned to Trump’s off-the cuff statements and how they are hurting his campaign. To big applause, Clinton hit Trump as someone who “just seems to delight in insulting women”.

When he was seeking the Republican nomination, Trump sought to outbid his rivals with plans for extremely low top tax rates.


He called for a new deduction for childcare costs. The current Child and Dependent Care tax credit is capped at 35 percent of qualifying expenses or up to $3,000 for one cared-for individual or $6,000 for two or more. The parents of U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan spoke out against Trump during the Democratic National Convention, and the GOP nominee went on offense in response. He promised to “remove bureaucrats who only know how to kill jobs; replace them with experts who know how to create jobs”.

Senator Susan Collins from the great state of Maine