
Dopey takes big fall during Walt Disney World show

An actor portraying Dopey during the finale of “Fantasmic” at Walt Disney World made a misstep, slipping under a railing on the big scene’s paddlewheel boat. The fumble was caught on camera by a woman watching the nightly show.


Perhaps the cutest of Snow White’s seven dwarfs was dancing during a Sunday night performance of the musical “Fantasmic!” at Disney’s Hollywood Studios theme park when the unthinkable happened.

A Disney employee donning a Dopey costume on a boat was filmed almost going overboard ― and taking Goofy out with him ― during a “Fantasmic!” performance Sunday. The rides and shows are meticulously planned and timed so that park-goers are guaranteed a glitch-free spectacle in which every tourist has a flawless, incident-free Disney experience.


An ambulance was called and both cast members were treated on site and released, according to

Dopey the dwarf falls off Fantasmic float at Disney World but his fall is broken by Goofy