
Carly Fiorina Takes fearless Stance Against Paid Maternity Leave Mandate

Fiorina also appeared on Fox News Sunday and said she’s already beginning to see a difference. The two sit ninth and and tenth in the poll, with each sitting at four percent.


It’s important to be cautious when interpreting day-to-day polling results, but the data provides suggestive evidence that continued media coverage of the controversy related to Trump’s comments may very well be eroding his support, especially among women.

“The truth is the race has just started”, Fiorina, a former Hewlett-Packard chief executive, told “Fox News Sunday“. “What I’m saying is I oppose the federal government mandating paid maternity leave to every company out there”, Fiorina said, adding that her former company, Hewlett-Packard, also offered paid maternity leave. Paul all but lunged over the podium in an effort to be the first of the 9 contenders surrounding Trump to attack him.

Trump has been castigated for having a campaign website devoid of policy proposals and which focused mainly on himself and his career. “So I’ll say it, OK?” “It’s a statement showing anger”, he said on CNN’s State of the Union. Well, they said the same thing about Hillary Clinton before her favorables sank and she lost the lead in hypothetical matchups against Republicans. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 39 percent of U.S. private-sector workers don’t even have access to any paid sick days.

Fiorina and Rubio both had strong debates on Thursday so an accurate poll should, one would think, show them building support since last week.

“Seniors are looking for a young, principled, energetic candidate”, he said. “I would give to everybody”, Trump said. Fiorina said. “My response was, can we think of a single instance in which a man’s hormones might have clouded his judgment?” While Trump is routinely hit for never offering concrete policy solutions, Fiorina has yet to be criticized for engaging in exactly the same practice. Republicans keep mentioning the same three names: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. “My brother did this wrong or my dad did this wrong”, Jeb says, before the video cuts to a black-and-white slate that reads, “The third time won’t be a charm”, accompanied by Trump’s campaign slogan, #MakeAmericaGreatAgain. “I’ve found that whenever women touch anything, they clearly make it better than we do as guys”.

And in Iowa, a Suffolk University poll placed Trump at 17 percent, followed by Walker (12 percent), Rubio (10 percent), retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson at (9 percent), and Fiorina tied with Cruz (7 percent) for fifth place.


Among her big issues was healthcare reform and the bill just then beginning its journey through Congress. “Wouldn’t you love to know what’s in that 1,990-page healthcare bill that’s being considered right now?” she asked the crowd at her launch event in November 2009. “That has nothing to do with political correctness”. Of the first-tier debate members, Iowans stated they have been most impressed with Rubio (23 %) and Carson (22 %). Sixty-five percent said the debate improved their opinion of Fiorina.

Carly Fiorina Takes Brave Stance Against Paid Maternity Leave Mandate