
Marist poll: Hillary Clinton extends lead in 3 key states

The NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist Poll shows former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate, and reality television star and real estate mogul Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, are competitive in the key battleground states of Iowa and OH and Clinton leading Trump in Pennsylvania. The turn-around is consistent with nearly every national and battleground state poll since the end of the Democratic National Convention as the Trump campaign has been mired in relentless controversies of its own making-attacking the parents of a decorated Muslim-American soldier killed in Iraq, calling on Russian Federation to hack into Clinton’s emails, hesitating to endorse Republican leaders who’d endorsed him, and on Tuesday in North Carolina, quipping that “Second Amendment people” could take matters into their own hands if Clinton were to appoint to the Supreme Court judges favoring gun control.


The Florida poll was conducted from July 30 to August 7 through cell phones and landlines, with 1,056 Florida likely voters. Independent voters are divided with 42 percent for Clinton and 41 percent for Trump.

Clinton is also up over Trump in Ohio-43 percent to 38 percent-in a two-way contest.

– Pennsylvania – Clinton tops Trump 48 – 39 percent with 7 percent for Johnson and 3 percent for Stein. She maintains a similar lead when Johnson and Stein are included.

Two other Pennsylvania polls released Tuesday, one conducted by Quinnipiac and the other by Susquehanna, both put Clinton ten percentage points ahead of Trump head-to-head. The candidate victorious in Pennsylvania, meanwhile, will win 20.

That’s the conclusion FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver comes to in his latest election update, which is titled “Polls Show Pennsylvania Back in Clinton’s Firewall”.

Neither candidate came out looking good.

Florida voters give Clinton and Trump negative favorability ratings, 39 – 55 percent for her and 39 – 54 percent for him.

On the other hand, Trump’s unfavorables were 64 percent in Iowa, 61 percent in OH and 63 percent in Pennsylvania.

Trump needs to win a number of swing states to beat Clinton, analysts have said. Lee M. Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion.


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Clinton Leads Trump in Pennsylvania a Key Battleground State Poll