
Pokemon GO new update makes tracking pokemons easier

They have introduced the Pokemon Go “Sightings” feature to replace the old Pokemon Go nearby panel system and fans are breathing a sigh of relief.


What was supposed to work as a route map to the pokemons around you, instead made you take aimless strolls all over your surrounding and may even have led you to places where you weren’t supposed to be: a burial ground or even a crime scene.

First of all, Niantic has created not one, but two types of trackers for “Pokemon GO”. Quite some third-party applications including Pokevision that were used to determine Pokemon locations and duration were dislodged.

It does exactly what “Nearby” from the previous version did.

Due to the critical response from players, Niantic issued a statement through its official Facebook page and explained why the nearby Pokemon notification system called the three-step display was removed. They had to limit the game’s API access in order for them to bring “Pokemon Go” to users around the world, CNET reported.

Launch Pokémon GO and tap the Pokéball button at the bottom of your map screen. The game now does not have a tracking system fully implemented and while some users are able to use the new tracking system, most are not and still can not find nearby Pokemon. That update from the developer also detailed the alleged leak of legendary Pokemon appearing in people’s accounts, which Niantic said it had “revoked”. You have to get near the Pokemon and throw the ball at it to capture it. Here’s a video on a tweet to demonstrate what it looks like.

If the Pokemon leaves that location before you get there, the app will let you know with a warning, “The Pokemon fled! Check the nearby list for other Pokemon”.

Niantic put down its hammer with full force a little over a week back, shutting down all Pokemon tracking services altogether. Will you be using the battery-saving mode? Also, the tracking drawer will not show a Pokemon you’re tracking once you have moved a reasonable distance away.


Earlier this month, Niantic revealed that the studio was working on returning the battery saver option while also continuing the game’s worldwide rollout, specifically to Latin America. So you will still walk aimlessly knowing that they are just present anywhere.

Matt Weinberger  Business Insider