
Gears of War 4 Adds More Pre-Order Bonuses

The Brothers to the End Elite Gear Pack will be the pre-order bonus that will be in all editions of Gears of War 4 in addition to the previously announced Vintage Del Pack. These will come in the form of Marcus (now an old man), Anya (here called “Tomorrow Anya” as it’s a post-Locust War skin) and a rather interesting one: Zombie Dom.


Along with Marcus, current and new pre-order customers will also receive “Tomorrow Anya”, named after her “famous words following the end of the Locust War”.

Looking to make sure you have no reason not to pick up Gears of War 4, Coalition and Microsoft are packing in the value, offering all four previous series games among the game’s range of pre-order bonuses. If you want all of the stuff seen in the Gears of War 4 pre-order bonuses, you have to pre-order the game before it comes out. His facial hair has grown long and his COG regulation kit has been replaced with by civilian clothes.

While “Old Man Marcus” is pretty straightforward (it’s Gears series hero Marcus but, you know, old) “Tomorrow Anya” is wearing a yellow-and-white ensemble created to evoke her appearance in the Gears of War 4 TV spot (which is also, not-coincidentally, called “Tomorrow”).

Zombie Dom – A tribute to Marcus’ dearly departed best friend Dominic Santiago.

Gears of War 4 is out on Xbox One and Windows 10 October 11.


The goodies included in Gears of War 4 “Brothers to the End Elite Gear Pack”.

Gears of War 4 Pre-order pack