
Surprise, Surprise! More Hillary Clinton Emails!

The relationship between the Clinton Foundation and State Department are under question following newly released emails.


Hillary Clinton put the State Department up for sale, with top aides pulling strings and doing favors for fat-cat donors to the Clinton Foundation – including a shady billionaire, according to smoking-gun emails released Tuesday.

Huma Abedin, the State Department aide, replied that “personnel has been sending him options”.

Mr. Chagoury is a close friend of former U.S. President Bill Clinton and a top donor to the Clinton Foundation, Judicial Watch said. “As you know, he’s a key guy there and to us and is loved in Lebanon”. The email is heavily redacted, but it appears as though Band was passing along a note from someone who had recently traveled to Haiti on a Clinton Foundation trip and was subsequently looking for a job at the State Department.

Abedin supplies the name: “its jeff feltman”, the U.S. ambassador to Lebanon and later assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern Affairs.

Judicial Watch said 44 of the emails it released had not been previously handed over to the State Department by Clinton.

Judicial Watch President Tom Filton said in a press release that Clinton “hid” the 44 emails on objective.

They are communications between Clinton aides and the foundation president’s personal aide, Schwerin said in a statement quoted by news reports. In response to a court order in other Judicial Watch litigation, she declared under penalty of perjury that she had “directed that all my emails on in my custody that were or are potentially federal records be provided to the Department of State, and on information and belief, this has been done”.

“True economic progress in Africa… also depends on responsible governments that reject corruption, enforce the rule of law, and deliver results for their people”, Hillary Clinton said during a trade meeting with sub-Saharan countries according to Reuters, a repeat of the message delivered the previous month by Obama in Ghana.

The State Department deleted much of the information about the associate, including his name and the outcome of the job referral, in turning over the emails to Judicial Watch.

Abedin was allowed to work both at the State Department and for the outside consulting firm Teneo. As secretary of State, Clinton disregarded all manner of ethics and lawfulness by essentially putting her department up to the highest bidder. The former US ambassador to Lebanon told the Washington Post Wednesday that he and Chagoury never talked.

Clinton’s campaign denied any connections between the emails and Clinton’s work at the Clinton Foundation.

Clinton’s legal team turned over more than 30,000 emails from her server to the State Department last March but only after deleting another 30,000 messages that Clinton’s team deemed private and personal.

“This is yet more evidence that Hillary Clinton lacks the judgment, character, stability and temperament to be within 1,000 miles of public power”, said Stephen Miller, Trump’s national policy director.

Trump lit into his Democratic rival, accusing her of treating donors to the Clinton Foundation better than average Americans.


Republicans have asked the Justice Department to open a perjury investigation.

Hillary Clinton FBI James Comey