
9th Case of Zika Confirmed in Arkansas

Many counties in the Miami Valley, including Clark County, have received state and federal money to trap and test mosquitoes, health officials said.


The information comes from an internal report shared with health officials that describes each case of non-travel related Zika.

Texas has confirmed that an infant who recently died in Harris County had microcephaly linked to the Zika virus. In April, Clinton sent two deputies to study the virus in Puerto Rico, the territory with the first US Zika cases.

The four new Zika virus cases were reported in the same area.

PHMDC, in partnership with City of Madison agencies, six neighboring communities, and the University of Wisconsin, carries out mosquito larvae monitoring and control activities in the Madison metropolitan area.

HCPH continues to encourage residents to take precautions to prevent Zika infection. Florida now has the capacity to test 5,941 people for active Zika virus and 1,613 for Zika antibodies.

“We are minimizing standing water on our campuses as much as we can”, said Sherri Owens, the district spokeswoman.

Stay and sleep in places with air conditioning and screened-in windows.

The Zika virus (on the right) runs the risk of being mistaken for the flu (on the left) because they both present similar symptoms.

Most infected people have no symptoms.

That’s in addition to more than $1 million in grant funds from the CDC to address Zika concerns.

Hillary Clinton will call on Congress to return to Washington and pass emergency funding for the Zika response during a visit to a Miami neighborhood dealing with the first USA outbreak of the disease. “This is a mosquito that likes to take multiple meals”.

The mother had traveled to El Salvador during her pregnancy where it is suspected she became infected.

The owner of the Wynwood Yard, an outdoor business that hosts food trucks and the like, took it upon herself to shut down her business August 2, although it is reopening for business Wednesday.

As of July 29, CDPH has confirmed 114 travel-associated Zika virus infections in 22 counties.

While Zika is primarily spread by a species of mosquito, the Aedes aegypti that favors warm tropical climates, a related species makes its home in New York – Aedes albopictus. It has also been detected in saliva, urine and breast milk but no documented transmission cases exist involving these fluids. While the woman is just 1 of roughly 1,600 reported cases in the country to date, there is something that sets her apart from the rest: she is believed to have been infected by a local mosquito. But the disease can be spread through blood transfusions, by men through sex and by a pregnant woman to an unborn or possibly newborn child.

There’s now a travel warning for pregnant women and their partners, not to travel to the Wynwood community while Zika is prevalent. While none of these mosquitoes have tested positive for Zika thus far, I encourage CT residents to help control mosquito populations by removing standing water outside homes and eliminating trash, debris and other materials that can collect water and provide a breeding ground for mosquitoes.


This Q & A will tell you what you need to know about Zika.

Champaign County to kill mosquitoes found near Zika case