
Trump, ahead in polls, to make 1st Michigan campaign stop at Republican

“I want to run as a Republican“. “Ross Perot couldn’t carry his jockstrap”, he said. Even if that’s wild speculation, there’s no doubting that Trump is looking increasingly like Hillary’s secret weapon.


Trump brought his campaign to become the Republican nominee for president to Michigan Tuesday. He held a sign that read, “Fox News: Kiss my politically incorrect butt” and said he had lost respect for Kelly after her questioning of Trump, which he considered unfair.

Trump and Fox News have been in a feud since last week’s first presidential debate.

He would “absolutely not” be able to muster up the same level of support from the general population should the Republican Party select him as their 2016 presidential hopeful, which Richardson says is unlikely.

When asked by an audience member “How are you going to fix it?”

Early on in his campaign, Trump insulted Mexicans by saying their government sends “criminals, drug dealers, rapists” into the U.S.

Outside, about 150 people from Hispanic groups and the United Auto Workers waved signs criticizing Mr. Trump to the arriving guests.

The politically incorrect, tell-it-like-it-is wannabe politician is an example of that, Gould says.

Mr. Trump was not the favorable candidate in the poll. Of particular outcome, one 2012 study found that the bias against high-pitched candidates is stronger among Republicans than Democrats-adding to the mounting evidence that Trump, in all his squeakiness, would have been better off running on the Democratic ticket.

People predicted Trump’s McCain and Kelly comments would do him in, Gould says.

Jeb Bush doesn’t have the energy to be great on jobs”, Mr. Trump said. The poll taken August. 7-10 among 414 GOP likely voters gave Mr. Trump 18 percent, compared with 13 percent for Mr. Bush and 12 percent for Ohio Gov. John Kasich. Bush asked at the Atlanta event.

“I am a [Ted] Cruz supporter but I will vote for Donald Trump because he can not be bought”, said Bob Gillmann, 57, a laid-off lab manager at a shuttered chemical factor who wore shoulder-length hair, a denim button-down and socks with sandals as he nursed a Budweiser tallboy. “That is not how we win elections”.

“Trump camp in crisis”, blared Politico on Saturday.

She said he would match any money coming in. The frequency of the male voices in the study ranged from a booming 81 Hz (think James Earl Jones) to 136 Hz (just shy of Sean Connery)-nowhere near Trump’s shrill 215 Hz or Cruz’s frankly window-shattering 234 Hz, but still sufficiently diverse for participants to pick up on each mock-candidates’ subtle difference in tone.

Senator Rand Paul warned Tea Party conservatives Monday against supporting Trump, declaring he simply “isn’t suited to lead the country”. Following his comments about Kelly, Erick Erickson, editor of RedState, a Republican news and commentary site, uninvited the real estate tycoon from a gathering the publication hosts with numerous Republican candidates.

The Lincoln Day Dinner fundraiser in Birch Run was sponsored by the Republican parties of Saginaw and Genesee counties.


“I think people were a little surprised by it, by the back and forth”, noted Nosef. “You are going to love President Trump”. He delivered what is becoming his more or less standard stump speech: saying Mexico and China are out-competing the United States thanks to morecunning” leaders (“I use the word cunning a lot because the word cunning is very important”) and pledging to restore an American Dream that is “dead”.

039;You're Going to Love Pres. Trump&#039: GOP Front Runner Big on Bombast