
Man snags rare bright blue lobster – his 2nd time

Not only was one of the lobsters a meaty two-pounds but it was also a striking blue.


His wife Jan Nickerson posted a photo of the two-pound bright blue lobster and named it Bleu.

“He let out a loud exclamation of excitement – he was very clear about how excited he was”.

The rare color of the lobster is thought to be due to genetic abnormalities that produce more of certain proteins than normal, turning its shell bright blue. The first time he caught one was in 1990. He says this is only the second blue lobster he’s ever caught.

A MA lobsterman pulled a surprising catch off the coast of Cape Cod Monday when he trapped a bright blue lobster.

The odds of catching a blue lobster are said to be 1 in 2 million, and if it’s akin to winning the lottery for fishermen, as some suggest, then lobster fisherman Wayne Nickerson hit the jackpot.

After reeling the prize catch in the fisherman sailed straight to port and showed his find to local children.

Wayne Nickerson, owner and captain of the FV Windsong in Plymouth, spotted the lobster in his trap. “The children cheered like insane. It was so cute”.


The chances of finding a brown and orange lobster is one in 50 million, according to the institute.

Blue Lobster Caught By Plymouth Fisherman Report