
Racial discussion heats up after Raleigh shooting

A North Carolina man is charged with murder after he shot another man outside of his Raleigh home early Sunday morning.


Chad Copley, 39, was charged with the death of Kouren-Rodney Bernard Thomas, who police said was outside Copley’s home when he was shot just before 1 a.m. Sunday. He told the dispatcher that he was part of the neighborhood watch and that he was going outside to “secure” the neighborhood from “hoodlums” that were racing up and down the street.

Copley has been charged with first-degree murder. Host Frank Stasio talks with News and Observer reporter Ron Gallagher about the latest. “If I were you, I’d send PD as quickly as possible”.

Cops received 911 calls from Copley’s house before and after the shooting. Copley’s attorney is urging people not to rush to judgement. I fired a warning shot.

The dispatcher pressed for more information: Who’s been shot, how badly are they injured – and where, exactly, is the victim? Copley went on to try and explain to police why he shot and killed Thomas.

Shortly after the shooting, Copley again spoke to 911 dispatchers and said he fired his weapon to protect himself and his family. Police said he shot and killed Kouren Thomas from inside his garage Saturday night. He could face the death penalty if convicted. Zimmerman was found not guilty in the killing of Martin, sparking national outrage and debate about “stand your ground” laws.

The dispatcher asks who is outside his house, and the man says he doesn’t know but there’s a party at a nearby home. 911 Call:Caller: There’s a black male outside my freaking house with a firearm please send PD.

(1) The person against whom the defensive force was used was in the process of unlawfully and forcefully entering, or had unlawfully and forcibly entered, a home, motor vehicle, or workplace, or if that person had removed or was attempting to remove another against that person’s will from the home, motor vehicle, or workplace. He was pronounced dead at a hospital a short time after. No one answered the door Tuesday at Copley’s tree-shaded, two-story home in a northern subdivision of Raleigh. I’m trying to secure my premises.

Police said the shooting remains under investigation. While he didn’t know Thomas personally, he said he didn’t see anyone carrying guns or causing problems outside on the street.

Chad Cameron Copley clearly took the law into his own hands and took a life as a result. His mother said she had moved with her three sons to North Carolina in 2001 for their safety.

“While out with his friends at a celebration for him moving into his new apartment, he was shot and murdered”, writes Munyir Thomas. If someone shoots at a person for whatever reason, that person is allowed by law to shoot back in self-defense, Kennedy said. “The man’s body was right in front of the mailbox”, Lewis said, pointing toward Copley’s mailbox. “I wanted them to have a life and be safe”, she said, her voice cracking. Walker yelled for him to stop running, and a gunshot went off when Thomas turned to look at him.

“He was just a good friendly guy that everybody, everybody loved to be around him”, Kellen Crosby, the victim’s brother, told CNN affiliate WNCN.


Neuse Crossing residents don’t have a neighborhood watch group, said Mike Ellis, a co-owner and spokesman for Kohn-Ell Association Management, which manages homeowners’ associations across the city, including at Neuse Crossing.

White man charged with shooting black man near home