
Ryan says Trump ought to clarify 2nd Amendment comment

“I am humbled and honored that Wisconsinites in the 1st Congressional District support my efforts to keep fighting on their behalf”, Ryan said in a statement Tuesday night. “We very likely stopped TPP and damaged Paul Ryan’s ability to continue growing government. We received the vote that we were hoping and expecting to get all along”, Ryan said.


Ryan had largely ignored Nehlen in what had been a sleepy primary before Trump thanked Nehlen on Twitter for his comments defending Trump.

Ryan was also asked about the latest Trump controversy, the nominee’s suggestion Tuesday that gun owners could stop Democrat Hillary Clinton’s agenda if she won this fall.

First the nominee praised Ryan’s opponent, an avid Trump supporter, and pointedly withheld his endorsement of the speaker.

He went into the primary with massive advantages in name recognition and money.

Ryan, Ayotte and McCain had criticized Trump’s feud with the family of Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq in 2004 and was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star Medal for bravery. Trump relented just three days later after coming under criticism from GOP leaders, but the burst of publicity was priceless for Nehlen. The only other time he had a primary challenger was in his first race, in 1998, when he won with 81 percent of the vote.

In a sign of the tension between the politicians, Trump told the newspaper he was “not quite there yet” – echoing a phrase Ryan had used about Trump.

Ryan dodged a political upset similar to what was seen in former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s race in 2014, when his was ousted by Rep. Dave Brat of Virginia.

Nehlen, an executive at a water filtration company, focused his campaign on Ryan’s establishment ties and linked himself to Trump’s outsider status. He challenged Ryan to an arm-wrestling match if he wouldn’t debate him.

Ryan has shifted his position on some issues, mainly on trade deals.


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Nehlen: Paul Ryan the Head of the 'Soulless,' 'Globalist' Snake Because He Wants Cheap Labor in This Country