
Donald Trump hints at Hillary Clinton assassination

“The support he has from Republicans nearly seems obligatory rather than voluntary”, Mike Smith, a Republican voter and Reuters/Ipsos poll respondent, said of Trump’s remaining defenders. As he shifted the blame to Obama on Wednesday, he said “crooked Hillary Clinton” was actually the group’s co-founder.


Meanwhile, Trump’s chronicles of everyday gaffes continue on the campaign trail, providing plentiful fodder for the liberal media and late-night comedians.

Donald Trump said Tuesday that if Hillary Clinton gets to pick Supreme Court justices, there’s “nothing you can do, folks … although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is”. Trump’s campaign says that he was merely speaking about the political resolve of Second Amendment supporters. He said any Clinton picks to the U.S. Supreme Court would be “a frightful day” for gun rights.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: A Trump spokesperson said Trump was not inciting violence.

“Give me a break”, Trump said hours after the rally, insisting he was referring to the power that voters hold.

Rick Sanchez is a contributor for Fox News Latino. Why not activists opposed to immigration reform, abortion rights or any other constitutional issues before the Supreme Court? “A person seeking to the be president of the United States should not suggest violence in any way”, he said. Clinton is in town to tour Raygun, a printing, design and clothing company and attend a campaign rally.

WASHINGTON ― House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has yet again chose to give Donald Trump a pass, telling reporters the GOP nominee was merely joking when he suggested that gun advocates take matters into their own hands to stop Hillary Clinton from appointing Supreme Court justices who favor gun control.

Some Republicans expressed unease with the comments, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, a Republican from Wisconsin, who told the AP it sounded “like just a joke gone bad”. I work very, very hard. “You never joke about something like that”. “This can not be treated as just another outrageous moment in the campaign”. It also underscored the concern, voiced by many anxious Republicans, that he can not stay disciplined and avoid inflammatory remarks that imperil not only his White House prospects but the re-election chances of many Republican lawmakers.

Sitting behind Trump at his rally on Wednesday was former Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., who resigned in 2006 after allegations he sent sexually suggestive messages to former House pages.

Forty-four percent of likely voters would select Clinton, 40 percent would go for Trump, 9 percent would choose Libertarian Gary Johnson and 4 percent would select Green Party candidate Jill Stein. On Thursday, after saying in campaign speeches that he had seen a video of a U.S. plane delivering $ 400 million sent by the Obama administration to Iran, he backed down from the claim, tweeting, “The plane I saw on television was the hostage plane in Geneva, Switzerland, not the plane carrying $400 million in cash going to Iran!”

The Wednesday front page of the New York Daily News called for Donald Trump to end his presidential campaign. Hillary wants to take your guns away. She wants to leave you unprotected in your home.

Trump did try to put one other simmering dispute to rest – at least temporarily.


Despite a series of election trail faux pas by Trump in the past several weeks, Clinton maintains only a small lead over Trump in Iowa and Ohio. Trump has complained previously that two debates are scheduled during NFL football games.

Dan Rather rips Donald Trump's 2nd Amendment comments as a dangerous 'new low'