
CNY GOP Congressman says he will vote for Clinton

Meg Whitman, who once ran for governor of California as a Republican, threw her support behind Democrat Hillary Clinton for the US presidential race this year, adding a prominent Silicon Valley name to the list of executives pushing back against Donald Trump’s candidacy.


According o the poll, 37% of Americans see Russian Federation as an unfriendly country.

Therefore, I have made a decision to support Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Donald Trump has long claimed that the policies of the Obama administration – and of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton – gave rise to the Islamic State.

Whitman also said she “absolutely” stood by her comments at a private gathering of Republican donors this year comparing Trump to Hitler and Mussolini, explaining that dictators often come to office through democratic means. The campaign said she raised more than $8.7 million in the 24 hours around her speech.

“You have one person to attack: Hillary Clinton”, Giuliani said on “Fox and Friends”.

Many Republicans opposed to Mr Trump have stopped short of supporting Mrs Clinton, saying they would vote for a third candidate instead.

In response to his repeated swipes against the Khans, a bipartisan group of decorated combat veterans, members of Congress and family members of slain soldiers on Monday scolded Trump for clashing with the parents of a fallen soldier.

“I can’t help but feel both main parties have abandoned us…” For Whitman, Republicans had to begin putting “country first before party”.

At the time, she also made a pledge not to back Trump should he emerge from the primaries victorious.

Calling the Republican presidential nominee a “dishonest demagogue” in a New York Times interview, Whitman said she would throw her weight behind Clinton’s campaign, offering a substantial contribution and her services as a fundraiser.

This is how badly some people don’t want Donald Trump to become president; they’d vote for a candidate from an opposing party.

The Silicon Valley billionaire’s endorsement of the Democratic nominee comes as a blow to the Trump campaign as it is embroiled in multiple controversies and struggles to retain support within the GOP. John McCain during their re-election campaigns – a position seen as a stunning split in the GOP.


With the general election campaign now squarely underway, Republicans found themselves once again forced to answer questions about the latest boundary-defying pronouncement from Trump at a moment when most would rather be talking about Hillary Clinton’s record.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton campaigns at Fort Hayes Metropolitan Education Center in Columbus Ohio U.S