
War Of Words Over Simone Biles’ Adoptive Parents

Sports broadcaster Al Trautwig on Monday apologized for controversial Twitter comments about the adoptive parents of USA gymnastics star Simone Biles. Oh, she also set the three prior world records. But with that one quick tweet, Trautwig managed to insult and offend adoptive families everywhere.


If she’s been adopted, they are her parents – legally as well as emotionally, advocates said. Her supporters also pointed to an Instagram post of the pair together on for her mother’s birthday, which Biles captioned: “Happy birthday to the queen of the house and the best mom a girl could ever ask for”. That includes Simone, her sisters Ashley and Adria and her brother Tevon.

Apparently, Shanon didn’t like the way her father talked about her addiction during an interview wth NBC. He called her “Queen” in a birthday greeting in March. He inquires about his other children as well. Before that they were being shunted from one foster home to another. Shanon Biles is her biological mother, she says; Nellie Biles is Mom. He told Shanon in cold words “No communication, don’t call and don’t visit”.

It is very common for relatives to adopt nieces, nephews or grandchildren when the biological parent can not take care of the children themselves. They think of it as some sort of fostering or taking in rather than understanding that a parent is legally family.

“My mom, Nellie, got me a rosary at church”, the Catholic athlete said.

Shannon explained that she’s been sober for a number of years now and maintains a good relationship with her daughter. Whenever Biles is on TV performing her mother is there clapping and cheering.

It was one broadcaster’s particular approach to analyzing the three-time World Champion’s family life that had her fans furious this week, and now, he says he’s sorry. Just see them and how incredible they are and take it from me that Simone knows exactly who her mom and dad are. “Nellie saw Biles” passion for gymnastics and encouraged her to pursue it. From that moment on, they were mom and dad.

Biles’ older sister Ashley and brother Tevon were adopted by Ronald’s sister.

Organizations like Adoptive Learning Partners and Adoptive Families provide a variety of resources and seminars to inform parents and children of adoptive families and those considering adoption, to help prepare them to answer questions and face challenges that will arise in the future. “In gymnastics, I take a totally different approach”. On Wednesday, she sent out a social media message to celebrate that reached 1 million Instagram followers. She is very genuine.


Regardless, Shanon is incredibly proud of Simone.

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