
Hillary Clinton Lectures Donald Trump for ‘Inciting of Violence’ Towards Her

After his comments were judged by many as courting violence, the Clinton team pounced by announcing a new “outreach to the growing number of Republicans and independents” who are prepared to vote for the former secretary of state on November 8.


“There has been more than one conversation” the official told CNN on Wednesday.

Trump’s campaign said the comment was misinterpreted and that he was encouraging gun activists to use their political power. Shortly after CNN published its report, Trump tweeted that no such conversation had taken place.

“They have said that these comments are the kinds that are taken very seriously, and that if, for instance, a private citizen were to say them, that private citizen. would certainly be interviewed by the Secret Service”, Sciutto continued.

Presidents have no authority to abolish constitutional amendments or alter the U.S. Constitution.

Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump’s comments about her Tuesday that are being interpreted as an assassination suggestion ‘cross a line’.

“This is simple – what Trump is saying is risky”, commented Robby Mook, Clinton campaign manager, on Tuesday, in the immediate aftermath of the “Second Amendment” rant.

Trump has repeatedly bashed his opponent for seeking to abolish gun rights, while Clinton has said she favors tougher gun controls. “Very rarely do you see politicians mentioning the second amendment, violence, and a candidate in the same sentence”, he told CTV News Channel from Washington. Trump said the same: “There can be no other interpretation”. “Although the second amendment folks, maybe there is”.

A Reuters/IPSOS poll Wednesday found that 19 percent of Republican voters want Trump to drop out of the race, while 70 percent think he should stay and 10 percent say they don’t know.

Trump blamed the media for twisting his words, saying that he was simply trying to unify gun owners against Clinton in the race for the White House.


Ms Clinton today said that Trump’s remarks showed that he did not have the qualities of a president. The stern response from the Democratic nominee came after Trump appeared to call on pro-gun supporters to stop Clinton from appointing justices to the Supreme Court who could weaken gun rights.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump listens as Al Baldasaro speaks during a news conference in New York