
Alabama mother’s twist on traditional back to school photos goes viral

Schools are starting up again and, once again, social media is starting to buzz with adorable back to school or first day of school photos.


One of the children holds his head in his hands as his mum celebrates the end of the summer, while others are doubled over in laughter.

Instead, she posted photos of her jumping for joy while her children stand in the background, looking visibly upset.

“Happy 1st day of school kids”, she wrote in the caption on Facebook.

Mum Keshia Leann Gardner, from Alabama, could not look more joyous that the first day of school has finally arrived.


As of August 10, her post has 138,000 likes, over 8,000 comments and has been shared nearly 223,000 times. “I’ll miss y’all!” Hoping to give other moms a laugh, she encouraged her followers to share the photos, and they’ve quickly gone viral, with over 300,000 shares so far.

Keshia Leeann Gardner