
Clinton says her economic plan would do more for the middle-class

Protesters listed Clinton’s use of a private email server for handling classified US security information and inaction in Benghazi when four Americans were attacked and killed as items for her rap sheet.


“Her speeches are so short, though, they don’t last long”.

Clinton’s speech was not a new policy roll out, but was more meant to be a direct rebuttal to the mix of tax breaks and a simplification of the tax code that Trump outlined in an economic address on Monday in Detroit.

Clinton had also previously supported the North American Free Trade Agreement, which was signed by former President Bill Clinton, her husband, and which Trump routinely disparages as bad for American jobs.

Clinton slammed the Republican nominee for proposing to eliminate of the Estate Tax, a move that would save his family $4 billion dollars based on the $10 billion Trump says he is worth.

Clinton has looked to counter Trump’s populist, anti-trade message with pledges to help the middle class, small businesses and American manufacturers.

More broadly, Clinton argued Thursday that Trump’s economic plan is weighted too heavily toward helping the wealthy and corporations and that it would “balloon the national debt”.

It was like he was in a different place when he visited Detroit on Monday.

The Democratic presidential nominee then went on to accuse Trump’s trade policy of being focused on “fear and not strength”. “Instead, they are winning gold medals”. Tax experts have said there’s no rule or law against taxpayers releasing their own returns, even if they’re under audit.

“Donald Trump has spent his life getting rich by hurting working people”, said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka in a statement.

Applying its model to Clinton’s tax plan, the Tax Foundation found that her proposals would raise $191 billion over a decade. In his own speech Trump promised to bring back jobs to Americans, slash taxes, and drastically reconfigure worldwide free trade agreements. The Washington Post described the hourlong talk as “perhaps the most extensive religious speech of the campaign season, which doubled as a plea to black voters”. “And I think he can be inarticulate at times”.

What economic policy concessions might Hillary Clinton offer up to woo Republicans?

The county, which is filled with disaffected Democrats, out-of-work blue collar workers and is less racially diverse than nearby Detroit, should be prime territory for Trump. Moody’s previously said Clinton’s plan would make the economy “somewhat stronger” while Trump’s could lead to a lengthy recession.

Trump overwhelmingly won Macomb County in the Republican Primary, winning nearly 50% of the vote in a crowded field.

Hillary Clinton is crushing Donald Trump in the polls. Clinton is trying to taking advantage of the turmoil in the Trump campaign, pitching herself to independents and moderate Republicans, and building on her momentum after party conventions.

The comment was widely interpreted – including by members of conservative media – as a reference to a violent overthrow of a potential Clinton administration or as a threat of violence against Clinton or her judicial nominees.

On Wednesday, the Clinton campaign launched “Together for America”, a group of Republican politicians, strategists and academics who have come out for Clinton.

Former Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords has the moral high ground on any discussion of violence against political figures after surviving an assassination attempt in 2011.

“I have always remembered that I am the daughter of a small business owner and the granddaughter of a factory worker and I am proud”.

She cited analysis that found Trump’s positions would lose over 3 million jobs, while hers would create over 10 million.


“There is nothing America can’t do if we do it together”, Clinton said. But, even under the most favorable circumstances, an acrimonious Congress is likely to circumscribe her to a more modest infrastructure plan paid for by taxing the wealthy.

Hillary Clinton Launches New 'Republicans for Hillary&#039 Campaign After Several GOP Endorsements