
Who Said It: Donald Trump Or Hillary Clinton?

And in Iowa, a Suffolk University poll placed Trump at 17 percent, followed by Walker (12 percent), Rubio (10 percent), retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson at (9 percent), and Fiorina tied with Cruz (7 percent) for fifth place. “But I do want to keep that door open in case I don’t get treated fairly”.


Fox News’ Megyn Kelly has reportedly been receiving death threats from supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

McCain and Trump have traded barbs recently and the most recent comments could add fuel to that fire.

Trump’s declaration came after a senior advisor told ABC News on Monday that the real estate mogul was considering taking the pledge not to run on another party’s ticket if he doesn’t earn the Republican nomination.

Women are not happy with presidential candidate Donald Trump.

“Mr. Trump gave interviews over the weekend that attacked me personally”, she said.

Is there any woman alive today who has not had her behavior blamed on hormones at some time in her life? “So, I’ll continue doing my job-without fear or favor”.

Trump was the only one who raised his hand, saying, “I can totally make that pledge if I am the nominee, I will not run as independent”.

A day later Trump told CNN that Kelly had “blood coming out of her wherever”, a remark many construed as referring to menstruation. Trump denied it, and Kelly decided not to respond. I assured him that we will continue to cover this campaign with fairness & balance. “He’s been a very good friend of mine, and he’s [someone] that I have great respect for”. “We had a blunt but cordial conversation and the air has been cleared”.

“Excuse me, I don’t think he’s drawing bigger crowds”, Trump said to questioner Mark Halperin of Bloomberg Politics.


Comments like Trump’s echo familiar gaffes of campaigns past, like former GOP nominee Mitt Romney’s reference to “binders full of women” in the 2012 debate and then-candidate Barack Obama’s comment to fellow candidate Hillary Clinton that she is “likable enough” in 2008. And while what Donald Trump said about megyn Kelly is outrageous, what the rest of the republicans are saying about all women is also outrageous. According to Breitbart, Trump is also a post-debate victor. Rand Paul, said one of the sentiments he heard consistently from a couple of debate viewing events was that “folks did not feel we needed a comedian running for office”.

Trump says he'll release policy specifics soon