
Donald Trump calls Obama ‘founder of ISIS’

Trump appeared to suggest on Tuesday, possibly in jest, that Clinton or her Supreme Court nominees could be shot, as a way of preventing her from making judicial appointments if she wins the November presidential election.


Since July’s Republican convention, Mrs Clinton has taken a firm lead in the polls as Mr Trump has struggled from controversy to controversy, pursuing a feud with the Muslim family of a dead army captain and suggesting Russian Federation publish any of Mrs Clinton’s missing emails it has hacked, before this week’s inflammatory remarks.

For Republicans uncertain about whether Trump has the discipline to stick to an attack against Clinton, the latest comments were concerning.

During an appearance before the United Nations in 2015, Putin hit the Obama administration for creating a power vacuum that paved the way for the rise of ISIS. You meant that he created the vacuum, that he lost the peace.

Mr Trump did acknowledge that the root of his argument was that if Mr Obama “had done things properly, you wouldn’t have had Isis”, but he repeated: “Therefore, he was the founder of Isis”.

So, really, George W. Bush was more responsible than anyone, although it does bear mentioning that Clinton voted for the Iraq War.

“I think that Hillary Clinton will do that better than Donald Trump”.

“But tomorrow, or later today, he could blame (Republican Senator) Jeff Flake for A-Rod’s retirement”, Cullen said, referring to Yankees player Alexander Rodriguez’s decision to leave professional baseball.

The Islamic State group began as Iraq’s local affiliate of al-Qaida, the group that attacked the USA on September 11, 2001. Republicans believe that the USA decision to leave Iraq in 2011 created a power vacuum that allowed al-Qaida in Iraq, a subsidiary of the larger terror group al-Qaida, to morph into the 30,000-strong Islamic State group that in 2014 seized a third of Syria and Iraq.

Clinton’s campaign called Trump’s statement “false”. Our allies and enemies don’t get the joke, and I suspect many of Trump’s Obama/Clinton hating fans don’t either.

The Democratic nominee turned to Twitter to respond, saying “Anyone willing to sink so low, so often should never be allowed to serve as our Commander-in-Chief”.

The White House declined to comment on Trump’s accusation, according to the Tribune.

“Oh boy, is ISIS hoping for her”, Trump said during an appearance before home builders in Miami Beach, portraying Clinton as lazy. Then he compared terrorism to a sporting event and said ISIS would hand Clinton the most valuable player award.

“His casual suggestion that more countries should have nuclear weapons, and now his casual inciting of violence”, she added.

Trump first made the assertion in a speech on Wednesday night in Florida, saying, “I call them co-founders” of Islamic State.

So when Trump went on the “Hugh Hewitt Show” on Thursday, politicos were watching to see if he’d take any of it back, or take a chance to clarify his statement. Just saying, as Hewitt does, that Trump means something else, is insulting to the public and potential unsafe in practice. “Are people complaining that I said he was the founder of ISIS?” “I am a truth-teller”.

“He was the founder of ISIS, absolutely”, Trump said on CNBC when asked if it was “appropriate” to say that Obama founded a terrorist organization.


The Democratic National Committee lambasted Trump’s remarks.

Obama is 'founder of Daesh', says Trump