
Trump Tries To Heal Party Divisions

“We need unity. We have to win this election”, Trump told a rally in Ryan’s state of Wisconsin, as he stressed a “big tent” Republican Party is the only way to defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton in November’s election.


On several occasions in the past week he has found himself in direct conflict with Trump, choosing a different campaign tack or taking the sting out of the Republican presidential nominee’s incendiary remarks.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said on ABC’s “This Week” that Trump’s endorsements show he “has the ability and the understanding to realize that there are going to be disagreements and you’ve got to be able to reach out to the entire party”.

Earlier this week the Trump campaign announced a more than $80 million fundraising haul last month but sources say that after Trump’s week of missteps, fundraising has stalled.

The refusal to back Ryan had been seen by many as a final straw.

Speaking in Green Bay, Wis., on Friday, Trump cited exactly that – party unity – as his reason for endorsing Ryan, albeit belatedly.

Trump also used the moment to put to rest two other simmering feuds with top Republicans by announcing his support for Arizona Sen.

Trump initially said that he hadn’t decided whether or not to endorse Ryan, in an echo of Ryan’s initial hesitance to endorse Trump, although he ultimately said he would endorse the real estate mogul.

“You have a Kelly Ayotte who doesn’t want to talk about Trump, but I’m beating her in the polls by a lot”, Trump told Rucker.

Trump earlier in the week had declined to endorse Ryan and McCain, as well as New Hampshire Sen. He reiterated his support for Trump hours before the endorsement, but he noted that his support wasn’t a “blank check” and pledged to speak out against the businessman’s divisive positions if necessary. Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos offered a blunt message ahead of the presidential nominee’s arrival: “We are Ryan Republicans here in Wisconsin, not Trump Republicans”.

Trump makes a campaign appearance in Ashburn, Va., on Tuesday.

Eager to change their minds, Trump unleashed a torrent of insults at Clinton throughout the day.

“If Hillary Clinton becomes president”, he said at a rally in Iowa, “you will have really, in my opinion, the destruction of this country from within”.

Trump also thumbed his nose at Ayotte, citing her lack of direct support.


Clinton is expected to deliver her own economic plan to the Detroit Economic Club on Thursday. “So I may have short-circuited it and for that I, you know, will try to clarify”, said Clinton.

Trump faces divided party in Midwestern battlegrounds