
Hillary Clinton says she’ll kill TPP

The Democratic presidential nominee sought to seize momentum as Republicans – including Trump – struck an nearly defeatist note about their Election Day chances.


Of late, Clinton and Trump’s economic comments have largely revolved around a battle over jobs, with each saying that they will usher in vast growth, particularly for those in declining industries and those lacking college degrees.

For those who believe the world’s biggest economy doesn’t need radical surgery, Hillary Clinton is offering a comforting refuge.

About 20 demonstrators called Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton a criminal Thursday before she spoke at an automotive and aerospace production facility in Warren.

“He has not offered any solutions for any real economic challenges we face”, Clinton said.

Outside analyses have generally given better grades to Clinton’s economic plan than Trump’s. The fresh batch of emails was pried from the State Department thanks to a lawsuit filed by the conservative advocacy group Judicial Watch.

“In many respects, you know, they honor President Obama”, Trump said Wednesday during a raucous campaign rally outside Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Clinton now says she would renegotiate it.

She said she would seek to create an “infrastructure bank” and use private funding to complement public spending. “I think he’s going to kill her (in the election)”.

There was little new in Clinton’s speech, as the tenets of her economic plan haven’t changed much over the course of the previous year. But Clinton has echoed Trump in saying she opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade deal that she once supported and hasn’t been ratified by Congress. Gary Hufbauer, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, says the agreement would be a net benefit for the US, which has lower trade barriers than other participating nations.

Trump’s campaign responded to the speech with a flurry of press releases highlighting Clinton’s support of some past trade deals and claiming she would “100% enact the TPP if she gets the chance”.

Perhaps the most interesting part of her speech was her strong and certain affirmation that she would reject the Trans Pacific Partnership deal if elected-a stance opposite the one she took while serving as secretary of state.

Clinton meant to try to make the case that Trump’s agenda would benefit him and his wealthy friends, and to characterize his plans as an update of “trickle-down economics”, according to her campaign.

Trump’s actual personal tax burden is unknown because he has broken with the long-standing tradition of presidential candidates and hasn’t yet released his tax returns for public review.

“There’s a lot of her trying to shore herself up on being anti-free trade”, Myrow said. Her running mate, Sen.

Her appearance follows a Trump speech on the economy, also in MI, on Monday.

Hillary Clinton is crushing Donald Trump in the polls.

Clinton, speaking in MI, did manage to deliver a combative, policy-laden address that effectively rebutted the economic plan that Trump presented in the battleground state days before.

“An independent analysis by a former economic adviser to Senator John McCain”, Clinton said, found that Trump’s platform would lead to 3.4 million in job losses, while her plan would create 10 million jobs. “He is the founder of ISIS”.

So Clinton dropped one of her favorite stump-speech lines today, with no mention of growing Obama’s legacy, and instead talked about the perks of togetherness. The jurisdiction has sided with the Democratic nominee four times and the Republican nominee four times during the past eight presidential elections.

She promised unequivocally to not support TPP even as president.


But he seemed to acknowledge the risk his campaign – and party – was taking.

Trump frenzy proves media need Xanax