
Hillary Clinton Targets ‘Trump Loophole’ in Michigan Economic Address

And Democrats are particularly anxious about fresh Federal Bureau of Investigation concerns that the Russian hackers who penetrated servers at the Democratic National Committee may have also breached private email accounts of many more key members of the party, including those with the Clinton campaign.


The Moody’s analysis did say that Trump’s policies would result in 3.4 million in job losses over the course of his potential presidency, reading in part: “The economic damage created by Mr. Trump’s policies is also stark when considering how the economy would perform if there were no significant changes to policy”.

Clinton on Thursday ran through numerous policies she has outlined over the previous year to contrast herself with Trump, who has given far fewer details about his plans, as the presidential campaign heads towards the November 8 election. If you believe that he’s as wealthy as he says, that alone would save the Trump family $4 billion. “But it would do nothing for 99.8 percent of Americans”. “That would kill even more jobs”. The $4 billion figure though, based on Trump’s stated net worth of $10 billion, is a bit trickier since Trump could employ a number of tax avoidance mechanisms. Workers’ anxiety over trade deals has become a central theme in the 2016 election, and Clinton rejected the portrait Trump has painted that she is only pretending not to favor the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a planned deal which she had praised when she was secretary of state in President Barack Obama’s first term but has opposed as a candidate for the presidency. John McCainJohn McCainPoll: Clinton holds 46-point lead among Hispanics France to push for encryption backdoors Illinois Republicans pick immigration reform over Trump MORE (R-Ariz.) drew in 2008 and the roughly 40 percent President George W. Bush won in 2004.

There was little new in Clinton’s speech, as the tenets of her economic plan haven’t changed much over the course of the previous year. How would paid family leave work, and which businesses would it apply to?

But Clinton and Trump continue to be distracted by self-inflicted wounds.

After Trump named an all-male group of economic advisers earlier this week, Clinton mocked it as “six guys named Steve”. Under Trump’s plan, an estimated 63 percent of low-and-middle-class Americans would pay no federal income taxes at all.

“He’s offered no credible plan to address what working families are up against today”, Clinton said in Warren, Michigan, before attempting to prove as much by going point by point through a handful of the economic policies that Trump spoke about in detail-or what passes for detail when he speaks, anyway-on Monday.

Bumbling, stumbling: Because of his pattern of gaffes, Trump has squandered “prime opportunities to hammer Hillary Clinton over her own campaign controversies”, CBS News reports, offering this chronological guide to Trump’s stumbles.


Trump’s plan, with its emphasis on tax cuts and getting those intrusive government regulators off our backs, comes from somewhere high atop one of Trump’s skyscrapers. However, Trump altered key portions of his plan Monday with the goal of making it $7 trillion less expensive, so the old analysis is out of date.

One-in-five US Republicans want Trump to drop out