
Fund ‘good aspects’ of Planned Parenthood

But Planned Parenthood says the conversation was edited to give it false context. I mean, it’s like an abortion factory, frankly, and you can’t have it and you just shouldn’t be funding it. That should not be funded by the government. He believes that. I have – you now it’s just a different thing.


But he continued by saying he wouldn’t necessarily defund the organization.

O’Donnell also said the Planned Parenthood locations with which she worked performed late-term abortions, which has become an issue on the 2016 campaign trail with almost all the GOP presidential hopefuls backing a national standard limiting abortion after 20 weeks.

Hillary Clinton, the top recipient of Planned Parenthood donations in the Democratic field, has called the imagery in the videos “disturbing”, but later called them an “attack on women’s right to choose”.

Despite the fact that Planned Parenthood South Atlantic does not have a fetal tissue donation program, the North Carolina Values Coalition is calling for an investigation and petitioning the state to cut funding. Planned Parenthood has denied making any profit and said it charges fees exclusively to cover its costs.

As notes, it might or might not be accurate that 20 percent of U.S. women have used Planned Parenthood at least once.

“It’s terrifying. Imagine if you were an abortion patient, and someone was going in and stealing your baby’s parts”. Federal law requires women to know that they are donating their aborted fetuses to scientific research.

“According to its own annual reports, Planned Parenthood’s abortions are on the rise – almost one million in the last three years”, the organization’s president Marjorie Dannenfelser (above) said in a statement.

“She told me, ‘It’s not an option”. It mentions Planned Parenthood numerous times – although Jacque admits he has no knowledge of the organization selling fetal tissue in Wisconsin. “I think it’s time to do something even more bold”.

Huckabee doubled-down on the constitutionality of abortion with Fox’s Chris Wallace. “There’s insane people out there and I have young children”, she said, adding that, so far, she has not received any specific threats.

Thomas Jefferson once said that, “the care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government”. The center says the tape shows Nucatola talking about performing partial-birth abortions to keep body parts intact in order to “sell” them.

When asked if he owes women an apology following his “blood” comments about Fox News host Megyn Kelly, Trump turned the conversation to Bush.

His framing of this issue is misleading, since abortions “service women”.

“It really wore me down”.


Developer Donald Trump has waffled on defunding Planned Parenthood arguing that the group provides other helpful services to women.

Texas attorney general Ken Paxton speaking at a rally opposing same-sex marriage