
Rio officials to investigate smashed windows of bus carrying journalists

While witnesses said that the bus was hit by gunfire, organising committee spokesperson Mario Andrada said that it wasn’t confirmed whether stones were hurled at the bus or whether it was shot at.


And Tuesday’s bus incident was not even the first involving journalists, as a stray bullet, fired from a favela at a police blimp, flew through the media workroom at the equestrian event on Saturday.

Reuters reporter Shannon Stapleton, who has experience reporting from conflict zones, said it had sounded like shots to her.

She said there was no first-aid kit on the bus to treat the three people who were cut by glass.

Britain’s Tom Daley and Daniel Goodfellow compete during the men’s synchronized 10-meter platform diving final in the Maria Lenk Aquatic Center at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on August 8, 2016.

“We were moving at highway speed down the new highway when I heard two shots ring out”.

After the incident, all the buses leaving from Deodoro were escorted by the military.

The attack took place in the Deodoro district of Rio de Janeiro and the bus, transporting mostly foreign journalists, had to be evacuated.

A Press Association photographer, travelling on the bus at the time of the incident, said: “We were travelling to the Main Press Centre”. ‘Pop, pop.’ I am a retired Air Force captain, as well as former federal prosecutor; I own a handgun for personal protection, and have spent plenty of time on the range.

“With my background and training, I got down on the floor as much as I could and I hollered to the others to get down”.

‘The bus didn’t come to a stop but paused.

Michaelson said the bus’s eight-12 passengers hit the deck as the driver slowed to a halt – before they shouted at him to keep going.

The Americans missed out by one kick Wednesday after New England Patriots player Nate Ebner scored on Fiji with just a minute to go.

In the latest incident, gunmen fired on a military police auto which strayed into the entrance of a slum near the airport, off a highway used by visitors traveling between there and the Olympic Park, security sources said.

In the case of the bus attack, Luiz Fernando Correa, security chief for the Games, said stones had hit the metal rim of the vehicle’s windows, making a loud noise, before smashing the glass.

Rio 2016 said in a statement that police and army patrols had been stepped up but gave few indications on the cause. There were no serious injuries.

ROWING AT RISK: Twenty-two races, including the first two medal races, were postponed in the regatta but global rowing federation director Matt Smith said there’s still room on the schedule without having to resort to drastic measures – even if competition is also called off.

Journalists in the bus hurled themselves to the floor after two windows were blown out.

She said one passenger was in tears and there was no first aid for the injured, including a Turkish Games volunteer whose bleeding arm she treated using her water bottle and tissues.


“They’re need to show us this full report before I believe this was any sort of Olympic rock throwing by local teenagers”.

Rio Olympic games attendance