
Clinton Lay Out Economic Plan In Contrast To Trump

All was calm at the protest on the corner of Gibson and 10 Mile near Futuramic Tool & Engineering at a protest organized by Meshawn Maddock, a MI delegate for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump from Milford.


Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton picked apart Donald Trump’s economic plan in a major speech today and detailed her own plans for US trade and tax reform.

Clinton, who frequently boasts about her numerous policy plans, didn’t offer any new, major ideas to improve the country’s economy in her afternoon address. “It’s going to be four more years of Obama but it will be worse because she’s mandated to go to the left, because 45 percent of Bernie’s people – they want her to head in that direction”, he said.

Her appearance follows Mr Trump’s own speech on the economy, which he also delivered in MI on Monday.

Of course, Trump’s supporters are out hitting the airwaves on his behalf, many trying to clarify or justify Trump’s statements and downplay them as much as possible.

But Trump has proved to be a shifting target for Clinton on economic policy.

She meant to try to make the case that Trump’s agenda would benefit him and his wealthy friends, and to characterize his plans as an update of “trickle-down economics”, according to her campaign.

Trump said he will not release his returns while government auditors are reviewing them.

Clinton is speaking at Futuramic Tool & Engineering, an advanced manufacturing facility in Warren, Mich. Clinton has been talking about her jobs plan for weeks now, visiting factories and small business. Her running mate, Sen. If he doesn’t, the real estate magnate would be the first presidential nominee in the last 40 years to not release his returns during election season. Mrs. Clinton, for her part, attempted to turn one of his selling points – the political independence he says is afforded by wealth – into a liability. Aides said they wanted Clinton herself as the “candidate will stand up for working families and the middle class” while arguing that Trump will be the candidate that “only benefits millionaires like himself”. He claims the overall plan will boost economic growth and create “millions of good-paying jobs”. “He is missing so much about what makes MI great”, Clinton said at Futuramic, an engineering company focused on supplying the aerospace industry.

The Democratic nominee listed the proposals she has championed throughout the campaign, including paid family leave and a higher minimum wage, as more effective economic policies for helping working families.

The Republican nominee said in his own economy speech in MI on Monday that he is “in favor of trade”. Trump has proposed big income tax cuts for across the board, aiming to reduce the seven current brackets to three with rates of 33 percent, 25 percent and 12 percent. “The tax cuts he doubled down on in speech on Monday offered trillions to richest americans and corporations”, Clinton said.

“Yesterday, we witnessed the latest in a long line of casual comments from Donald Trump that crossed the line”, she said, citing “his casual inciting of violence”. “Neither plan is going to make America great and secure again the way they were in the 1950s”. “I oppose it now, I’ll oppose it after the election and I’ll oppose it as president”.

Donald Trump says the Secret Service did not have a conversation with him following the Second Amendment comments he made earlier this week.

“Frankly, many moderates may be increasingly turned off by the fact that we have to continue to discuss whether a presidential candidate has sufficient self-control for the office”, he said.


At a Tuesday rally, Trump said there was no way to stop a future-President Hillary Clinton from packing the Supreme Court with anti-Second Amendment justices, “although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is…”

Trump's assault on legitimacy His'Second Amendment comment was an attack on our political foundations