
Hillary Clinton highlights jobs plan, criticizes Donald Trump tax breaks

They see the additional support Clinton is finding among independent and Republican voters as frosting on their electoral cake, potentially allowing Democrats to win back control of the Senate and enter the White House with the political momentum that comes from a sweeping victory. Trump has proposed big income tax cuts for across the board, aiming to reduce the seven current brackets to three with rates of 33 percent, 25 percent and 12 percent. More than two-thirds of pass-through income flows to the top 1 percent of tax filers, according to a study by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.


Clinton alleged that Trump may not follow through on tax cuts for lower-income individuals.

Just hours before Mrs Clinton’s address, Mr Trump unleashed another round of attacks on Mr Obama – calling him the “founder” of Islamic State – and Mrs Clinton, its “co-founder”. She slammed Trump’s plan, which she called “trickle-down economics” that would only help millionaires like Trump and his friends by cutting taxes for corporations and the wealthiest citizens. He claims the overall plan will boost economic growth and create “millions of good-paying jobs”.

“He’s missing so much about what makes MI great”, Clinton said, referring to Trump’s speech in Detroit on Monday. “I do”, Trump said, using another acronym for the extremist group that has wreaked havoc from the Middle East to European cities.

“Well, Donald Trump wants to give trillions in tax breaks to people like himself”.

Of the 20 women in the group, five said they were leaning Trump, seven to Clinton and eight undecided or backing a third party.

The Democratic nominee listed the proposals she has championed throughout the campaign, including paid family leave and a higher minimum wage, as more effective economic policies for helping working families. Clinton has tried to sway voters with her plans for investment in job training, reducing college costs and taxing the wealthy.

Clinton tries to court blue-collar voters in MI after a tour at design and manufacturing company Futuramic Tool and Engineering.

Eric Hernandez, 45, a union crane operator from Davison, Mich., said he had been on the fence about Clinton, but the speech impressed him.

Trump “hasn’t offered any credible solutions for the very real economic challenges we face, ” Clinton said at Futuramic Tool & Engineering in Warren.

“There is a myth out there that he will stick it to the rich and powerful because somehow he’s really on the side of the little guy”, she said. “Because previously, he had dismissed concerns about child care”, she said. The move was aimed to pressure Trump to release his taxes, something he has repeatedly refused to do. He also called for greater child care deductions for families. Clinton, who has backed many of those deals in the past, sought to address blue-collar worries about her trade views.

Clinton used her speech to emphasize one point that Trump regularly uses to criticize her: trade deals.

Outside analyses have generally given better grades to Clinton’s economic plan than Trump’s. She also said she will crack down on unfair trade practices by other nations by appointing a “chief trade prosecutor” to go after worldwide offenders.


That analysis came before Trump changed part of his plan from its original form after concerns about how much it would cause the federal deficit to grow.

Trump frenzy proves media need Xanax