
Three New Bill Cosby Accusers Come Forward, Attorney Gloria Allred Challenges

The women spoke out about the alleged assaults at a press conference in Los Angeles on Wednesday alongside their attorney Gloria Allred.


Cosby, Whitedeer said, “gloated over my humiliation”. “I hope that by being added as the next number, someone else decides to regain her power and use her voice”, said Terrill. She said, “It is easy to spew ridiculous arguments in defense of Mr. Cosby when you are with one reporter, and able to filibuster and give non-responsive, Cosby-like answers, which sometimes evade and avoid the question asked”.

“I was shocked. I didn’t know how I had lost so much time”. Which in opinion of many people represented all of the accusers who have not yet come forward. “As I looked up his penis was out of his trousers and he shoved it in my mouth”, Whitedeer described.

Then one day, Bill finally showed up to his dressing room and immediately locked the door behind him.

They join more than 40 others who claim abuse by the pioneering African-American comedian who played a beloved family doctor on the hit 1980s sitcom “The Cosby Show“.

After Tirl finished detailing her account, she turned to Whitedeer, embraced her and said, “We did it. We did it”, as tears streamed down the women’s faces.

During a press conference held in Los Angeles Wednesday morning, Eden Tirl, Linda Ridgeway and Colleen Hughes – two actresses and a flight attendant – said the comedian assaulted them in the 1970s.

One of the victims, Coleen Hughes recalled she met Cosby while she worked as a stewardess on a flight heading to the 70s.

Hours later, Hughes said she found herself waking up in a confused state and realized she had been sexually assaulted.

“He barked back instantly, ‘Don’t say that, they all say that!'” she said.

She even said that afterward he told her she had been “blessed with [his] semen”.

Cosby admitted in a now-unsealed deposition from 2005 in response to a sexual abuse lawsuit filed by Canadian Andrea Constand, a former Temple University employee, that he had previously given a woman quaaludes for the purposes of having sex with her.


Despite all the allegations against Cosby, the actor has never been charged with a crime.

Three More Cosby Accusers Come Forward