
Trump dismisses Buffett’s rebuke over his business judgment

“Donald Trump has been a demagogue this whole time, preying on people’s anxieties with loose information and salacious rhetoric, drumming up fear and hatred of the ‘other, ‘ ” Comella said. First, 41 percent of Democrats would rather Bernie Sanders be their nominee, while 49 percent of Republicans would love literally anyone else leading their ticket.


In the interview, Whitman also slammed Trump and said the Republicans need to “put country first before party”, according to The New York Times.

Hanna, a three-term Republican Congressman from Trump’s home State of NY, in an interview to the same daily said he could never support Trump.

Hanna said he was supporting Clinton in opposition to Donald Trump.

“As a proud Republican, casting my vote for president has usually been a simple matter”, Whitman wrote.

Clinton, on the other had, may have won over some of the “others” who initially sided with Trump.

In June, Whitman had compared Trump at a closed-door summit to Mussolini and Hitler and warned Republicans that compromising on some conservative principles to support Trump now might lead to bigger compromises in future years. A billionaire businessman, Trump already has contributed about $50 million to his effort.

Buffett repeated long-held assertions that the tax code favors the wealthy, which Clinton echoed, pledging to pay for new programs through more taxes on the rich. Clinton also continued the assaults on Trump, criticizing him for making products overseas.

Hanna said he has issues with the GOP’s nomination process and he’s pushing for more Republicans to publicly reject Trump.

“That’s where I am”, Dent said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”.

Whitman is the latest in a string of Silicon Valley bosses to speak out against Trump after over 100 industry leaders pledged support to Clinton in an open letter last month.


Hillary Clinton took a double-digit lead over Donald Trump in a Fox News poll released on Wednesday. Members of Hanna’s staff confirmed the Clinton endorsement.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton campaigns at Fort Hayes Metropolitan Education Center in Columbus Ohio U.S